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Al-Nahrain University
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Full Name: Dr. Nibras Alaa Hussain Gender: Female  Birthdate: 1977  Nationality: Iraq Degree: Board  Academic Title: Assistant Professor College\Center: College of Medicine  Departement: Family and Community Medicine Major: Arabic  Specialty: Board Family Medicine Occupation: faculty member Mother Language: Arabic  Other Languages: English Work email: Personal email:
  • 1. M.B.Ch.B. degree was awarded from Al-Mustansiriyah College of Medicine / IRAQ in the academic year 2000-2001.
  • 2. Fellowship of Iraqi Commission for Medical Specializations (F.I.C.M.S.) in Family Medicine on 30-May-2011 by Iraqi Board for Medical specialization/ IRAQ.
  • three years of Clinical Residency as followings:
  • a. General Medicine, Pediatrics and Obstetrics/Gynecology ( 6-months for each course).
  • b. Surgery and Diagnostic Radiology ( 2-months for each course ).
  • c. Psychiatry, Dermatology, Ophthalmology and ENT ( one month for each course).
  • d. PHCC (Primary Health Care Center (8-months).
  • After that I pass two exams Part one and Part two: which includes Written, Oral and Clinical Examinations.
  • 3. Award the “Lecturer tittle” after Complete the “teaching Methodology” Training Course in 30/6/2015.
  • 4. Upgraded to the rank of assistant professor according to the administrative order No. 9/1/103, dated 27/12/2020, and from the date of submitting on 9/14/2020.
  • 1. First date of employment from 4/10/2001 as Rotator “Senior house office” in previously named Al-Noor General Hospital / Baghdad - Al-Shaheed Al-Hakeem General Hospital “the recent new name”.
  • 2. Post-Senior House office in Al-Mahaweel General Hospital/ Babylon from 25/2/2004.
  • 3. Permanent doctor in Pediatric in Al-Mahaweel General Hospital/ Babylon from 23/5/2005.
  • 4. Permanent doctor in Pediatric in Al-Shaheed Al-Hakeem General Hospital/Baghdad from 7/6/2006 till joined the Board of Family Medicine Study.
  • 5. Permanent doctor as a part of the requirement of studying the Iraqi Board in Family & Community Medicine from 19/12/2006.
  • 6. Working as family medicine specialist in Al-Zahraa primary health care center after gaining Board Certificate. “Which represents the highest degree within the field of Specialty in Iraq” in 22/1/2012.
  • 7. Working as family medicine specialist in other primary health care centers after that e.g Al-Hurriah and Al-Shaheed Abdul Saheb Dakheel PHCCs from January / 2014.
  • 8. Lecturer in Al-Nahrain College of Medicine from 21/4/2015…. till now. “After Convert my work from Ministry of Health to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research By the Ministerial order No.4/1/1354 in 14/4/2015”.
  • 9. Upgraded to the rank of assistant professor according to the administrative order No. 9/1/103, dated 27/12/2020, and from the date of submitting on 9/14/2020.
  • • Teaching Process
  • 1. Participation in teaching the undergraduates students in 3rd and 4th stage in College of Medicine
  • (Biostatistics, Epidemiology, MCH, PHC and health programs in the Family & Community Medicine department)..
  • 2. Participation in teaching the undergraduates students in 1st (Biostatistics) and 4th stage (Public Health) in College of Pharmacy.
  • 3. Participation in teaching the Postgraduates Masters students “Interdepartmental” (Biostatistics).
  • 4. Participation in learning the 4th stage Medical Students How to write a research.
  • 5. Participation in teaching the Postgraduates Masters & Board students/Family & Community Department.
  • 6.Giving lectures to students of the Iraqi Board of Family Medicine and Community Medicine.
  • 7. Follow-up the training of students of the Iraqi Board of Family Medicine in their clinical training in the hospital.
  • 8. Supervising the students of the master's degree in community medicine and the Iraqi Board of Family Medicine.
Research Interest
  • Interested in research in the field of family and community medicine, including the fields of clinical medicine and basic sciences
  • 1.” Preterm birth among women with short birth interval in two hospitals in Baghdad / Al Karkh” Published in Iraqi JMS Vol.14, No.3, July-September 2016.
  • 2. “Screening of chronic fatigue syndrome among the clinicians & medical staff in Al-Emamain Al-Kadhumain Medical City” presented by dr.Sabah Ghani in the 9th Scientific Conference of Al-Nahrain College of Medicine in December 2015.
  • 3. “Determination of GLP1, DP4 levels in Diabetes Nephropathy Patients” Published in Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development in (Vol.10, No.02, Feb.2019, 843-848).
  • 4. “Practicing, Attitudes and Beliefs of Physicians at Al-Emamain Medical City towards Seasonal Influenza Vaccination”. published in Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, October 2019, Vol.10, No. 10
  • 5. “The practicing and attitude of some medical students at Al-Nahrain College of Medicine towards cosmetics rhinoplasty” published in Institute Medico-legal Update, January-March 2020, Vol.20, No. 1.
  • 6. “Sociodemographic Characteristics of Females Married less than 18 Years” published in International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 05, 2020.
  • 7. “Public Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Antibiotics Use and Resistance in Baghdad, Iraq: A Survey Conducted in Outpatient Department of University Teaching Hospital” published in The Open Public Health Journal, 2019, Volume 12.
  • 8.” Prevalence of anaemia in a sample of pregnant women in Babylon Governorate, Iraq”. In Revista Latinoamericana de Hipertensión. Vol. 15 - Nº 4,2020
  • 9.” Comparison of 1, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 and Glutathione Reductase Levels in Thyroid Gland Patients” In P J M H S Vol. 15, NO. 1, JANUARY 2021.
  • 10. A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON SOME BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS IN INFERTILE PATIENTS. In Biochem. Cell. Arch. Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 4589-4595, 2021.
  • 1. Participation in teaching the undergraduates students in 3rd and 4th stage in College of Medicine
  • (Biostatistics, Epidemiology, MCH, PHC and health programs in the Family & Community Medicine department)..
  • 2. Participation in teaching the undergraduates students in 1st (Biostatistics) and 4th stage (Public Health) in College of Pharmacy.
  • 3. Participation in teaching the Postgraduates Masters students “Interdepartmental” (Biostatistics).
  • 4. Participation in learning the 4th stage Medical Students How to write a research.
  • 5. Participation in teaching the Postgraduates Masters students/Family & Community Department.
  • 6.Giving lectures to students of the Iraqi Board of Family Medicine and Community Medicine.
  • 7. Follow-up the training of students of the Iraqi Board of Family Medicine in their clinical training in the hospital.
  • 8. Supervising the students of the master's degree in community medicine and the Iraqi Board of Family Medicine.
  • Many Thanks & Recognition letters From:
  • 1. Minister of Health, Manager of Al-KarKh Health Directorate, AL-Kadhumiyia Health Sector and Managers of Hospitals and PHCCs where I work in, during My work in Ministry of Health.
  • 2. The head of Baghdad Provincial Council in 19/10/2016 after going with medical official mission in Pilgrimage “hajj” season of 2016.
  • 3. The head of Al-nahrain University, the Dean of Al-Nahrain Medical College and the Dean of Al-Nahrain College of Pharmacy.
  • 4. Received a letter of thanks from the Director of the Third Al-Karkh Education in the Ministry of Education.
  • no
  • Work as administrative decision in the Family & Community Department for academic year 2017-2018.
Conferences, symposiums and workshops
  • A. During working in the Ministry of Health:
  • As attender:
  • 1. Participation in training courses about “International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health related problems / 10th Revision (ICD10). [Two courses one (24-28/2/2013) and the second (12-16/5/2013)].
  • 2. Participation in training course about IMNCH “Integrated Management of Neonates and Child Health” in April/2013 for 10 days.
  • 3. Participation in training courses about psychiatric Health. [Two courses one (19-22/5/2013) and the second (11-30/6/2013)]. About Management of Most psychiatric disorders.
  • 4. Participation in training courses about Training Of Trainer “TOT” , Attending Three Courses and after pass the Examination and Evaluation By Special Committee of Trainer Specialist in Ministry of Health I award the Tittle as “ Trainer in ICD10 Program”. [Three courses one (29/9 - 10/10/2013), the second (16-20/2/2014) and the third (23-27/11/2014 which regarded as a refreshment & evaluation course) ].
  • 5. Participation in training workshop about DOTs “ Direct Observations Therapy of TB patients” for two days.
  • 6. Participation in training course about gender Violence (7-9/7/2013).
  • As Lecturer and Speaker:
  • 1. Training course about “International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health related problems / 10th Revision (ICD10) in Al-Shaheed Abdul Al-Saheb Dakheel PHCC/Baghdad. (25-27/2/2014).
  • 2. Training course about Health Promotion in Al-Kahimyia Sector/ Baghdad. (23-25/6/2014).
  • 3. Training course about Health Promotion in Al-Kahimyia Sector/ Baghdad. (28-30/12/2014).
  • B. After working in the Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research:
  • As attender in:
  • 1. Training course in Teaching Methodology from 24/5 to 7/6/2015… and get Excellent grade in the end Evaluation.
  • 2. Training course about Neonatal Jaundice in 5-6/12/2017.
  • 3. Workshop on How to Administer of Exam Committee Programs in 5/3/2018.
  • 4. Workshop about Learning Objectives in 4/9/2019.
  • 5. The 10th Scientific Conference of Al-Nahrain College of Medicine in April/2017.
  • 6. The 3rd Scientific Conference for Postgraduate Students’ Research of Al-Nahrain College of Medicine in 10th /May/2018.
  • 7. Many Symposiums in the Al-Nahrain College of Medicine in many different scopes (Medical, Surgical, Pediatric, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Family,Community &Environmental Medicine, and Other Basic Scienses).
  • As Lecturer and Speaker:
  • 1. Two research in the 9th Scientific Conference of Al-Nahrain College of Medicine in December/2015, presenting the followings research “ Prevalence of preterm births in women with short birth interval in two hospitals in Baghdad / Al-Karkh”
  • And the Second shared research presented by my colleague Dr.Sabah Gheni: “Screening of chronic fatigue syndrome among the clinicians & medical staff in Al-Emamain Al-Kadhumain Medical City”
  • 2. Symposiums on “Demography and statistical certificate in Iraq and their development” in 1/3/2017.
  • 2. Symposiums on “Family Medicine & Characteristics of Family Physicians” in 22/1/2018.
  • 3. Symposiums on “ Sample size Estimation in Scientific Research” in 24/4/2018.
  • 4. Symposiums on “ Morbidity coding according to the ICD10”. In 23/4/2019.
  • 5. Symposiums on “Mortality coding according to the ICD10”. In 30/4/2019.
  • 6. Giving a lecture on family medicine and the advantages of the family doctor in the branch 01/22/2018.
  • 7. Attending many seminars, workshops and courses held at the College of Nahrain Medicine
  • 8. Conducting a continuing education workshop on research methods in January 2022.
  • 9. Presenting a lecture on “Domestic Violence” in the Third Al-Karkh Education Directorate / Ministry of Education in 10/2022.
  • 10. Continuous attendance of many live and electronic activities inside and outside Iraq.
  • 1. Member in the Examination Committee of the college from 25/8/2015……. till now.
  • 2. Member in the branched Examination Committee in the Department in 2017 & 2018.
  • 2. Member in the team who was responsible about Curriculum Development in Al-Nahrain College of Medicine from 29/10/2017….. till now.
  • 3. Member in the Scientific Committee in Family & Community Department in 29/10/2017… till now.
  • 4.Member in the Quality Assurance Performance in the department 11/2/2018….. till now.
  • 5. Member in the Offset Committee in 25/3/2019.
  • 6. Work as administrative decision in the Family & Community Department for academic year 2017-2018.
  • 7. Reviewer for “Determinants of the unmet need for family planning among married women in the rural Haryana: A community-based cross-sectional study” in Iraqi JMS.
  • 8. Reviewer for three article in Al-Kindy College Medical Journal.
  • “Practice & Opinion of Doctors in primary health care centers toward Referral System: Samples from nine governorates in Iraq “
  • “ The Anxiety & Fear of COVID-19 Pandemic at the First Year in Dentists Working in Specialist Dental Centers”
  • “Practice & Opinion of Doctors in Hospitals toward Referral System in Iraq”
  • And Till Now I am reviewing many articles in local and international Journals.
  • 9. Supervision on One Master Pupil and three Board Pupils.
  • 10. Member of many committees for discussion of Iraqi board students in the specialty of family medicine from February 2022 until now.
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