Academic staff profiles
Al-Nahrain University
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Full Name: Dr. Ahmed Sahib Abdulamir Gender: Male  Birthdate: 1973  Nationality: Iraq Degree: PhD  Academic Title: Professor College\Center: College of Medicine  Departement: Microbiology Major: Medicine  Specialty: Medical Microbiology Occupation: Professor Mother Language: Arabic  Other Languages: English Work email:
  • Meta-analysis of randomized trials of ivermectin to treat SARS-CoV-2 infection
    A Hill, A Abdulamir, S Ahmed, A Asghar, O Babalola, R Basri, C Chaccour, A Chachar, A Chowdhury, A Elgazzar, L Ellis, J Falconer, A Garratt, B Hany, H Hashim, W Haque, A Hayat, S He, R Jamshidian, W Khan, R Kirti, A Krolewiecki, C Lanusse, J Levi, R Mahmud, S Mangat, K McCann, A Mohan, M Niaee, N Okumus, V Pilkington, C Podder, A Qavi, H Raad, M Rezai, S Sasank, V Spoorthi, T Suri, J Wang, H Wentzel, 2021

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