Full Name: Dr. Wajdi Sadik Aboud Gender: Male Birthdate: 1971 Nationality: Iraq Degree: PhD Academic Title: Professor College\Center: College of Engineering
Departement: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Major: Mechanical engineering Specialty: Mechatronics Mother Language: Arabic Other Languages: English Work email: wajdi.sadiq@nahrainuniv.edu.iq Personal email: wajdisadik@gmail.com
1. Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering. University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia, July 2014
2. Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering. University of Technology Iraq, March 2005.
3. Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering, University of Al-Nahrain, Iraq. July 1992.
MatLab, SciLab, IPG CarMaker, Wolfram Mathematica, Maple, typesetting using LaTex as well as Microsoft Word.
3. Tutor, Department of Machines and Equipment, Institute of Technology-Baghdad, Foundation of Technical Education, Baghdad, Iraq, April 2003 – September 2005.
4. Assistant Lecturer, Department of Machines and Equipment, Institute of Technology-Baghdad, Foundation of Technical Education, Baghdad, Iraq, September 2003 – January 2010
5 Tutor, Department of Mechanical and material engineering, Faculty of engineering and built environment, National University of Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia, October 2010 – July 2014
6. Lecturer, Prosthetics and Orthotics engineering department, College of Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq. September 2014-2024.
7. Head department, Artificial Intelligence and Robot Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq. September 2024 to present.
Research Interest
Distribute Systems Control, Applied Nonlinear Control, Optimization and Robust Control Applied Nonlinear Control, Multiple model adaptive control, Dynamics, Smart and Robotic Prosthesis & Orthosis.
Kinematics and Dynamics, Introduction to Robotics, Feedback Control, Vibration Analysis and Control, Mechatronics, Optimization and System Identification, Nonlinear Control Robust Control, Smart Prosthesis & Orthosis.
Administrative Services:
Person in charge of the postgraduate Committee in the Prosthetics and Orthotics Engineering department/College of Engineering, Al Nahrain University, Iraq. From 2022 – 2024.
Member of the Committee Scientific Promotion in College of Engineering, Al Nahrain University, Iraq. From 2020 – till now.
Head Department in Prosthetics and Orthotics engineering department, College of Engineering, Al Nahrain University, Iraq 25/1/2017 – 21/1/2020.
Department coordinator in Prosthetics and Orthotics engineering department, College of Engineering, Al Nahrain University, Iraq 2015 – 2017.
Member of Examination Committee, from 2014 – 2023, Prosthetics and Orthotics engineering department, College of Engineering, Al Nahrain University, Iraq.
Member of the committee for the development of the LaTex template for UKM thesis. National University of Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia, 2013-2014.
Head of Automotive branch in Department of Machines and Equipment, Institute of Technology-Baghdad, Foundation of Technical Education, Iraq, 2006-2010.
Member of Examination Committee, Department of Machines and Equipment, Institute of Technology-Baghdad, Foundation of Technical Education, Iraq 2005 – 2010.
The following papers had been awarded as the best papers at the respective conferences:
1) Wajdi S. Aboud & Sallehuddin Mohamed Haris 2013. Output Feedback vs. State Feedback Controllers in Weighted Multiple Model Adaptive Control for Mechatronic Suspension System. The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Built Environment (ICEBE) 2013, Malaysia. pp 74-78.
2) Wajdi S. Aboud & M. H. Sallehuddin 2011. Optimal PID Controller for Mechatronic Suspension. Regional Engineering Postgraduate Conference (EPC) 2011, Puri Pujangga, Malaysia. pp 22-27.
Conferences, symposiums and workshops
1. Advanced training course in
• Automotive electrics and electronics
• Automotive ignition system, JET1
• Automotive ignition system, JET2
Held in Egypt 2006 and implemented by A-PartR BOSCH.
2. Microcontroller development board programming using Arduino and PIC, Held in Malaysia 2011.
3. Training course on Scicolab embedded control using easylab development board, Held in Malaysia 2013.
4. Training course on IPG CarMaker software, Held in Malaysia 2013.