Full Name: Azhar Sadiq Yasun Gender: Male Birthdate: 1937 Nationality: Iraq Degree: MSc Academic Title: Lecturer College\Center: College of Engineering
Departement: Civil Engineering Major: major in civil engineering Specialty: civil engineering-soil mechanic and foundation Occupation: lecturer Mother Language: Arabic Work email: azhar.s.yasun@nahrainuniv.edu.iq Personal email: azhar.yasun@eng.nahrainuniv.edu.iq
IMPROVED OF WEAK SOIL BY COMPACTED FLY ASH A Albusoda, D Al-Mosawe, 2009 Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research The 6th engineering conference College of engineering, university of Baghdad, Baghdad – Iraq, 1, 284-295
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Profile last updated on: 2022-10-14 22:12:08