Academic staff profiles
Al-Nahrain University
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Full Name:
Dr. Hadeel Kassim Wadi Aljobouri
Academic Title:
Assistant Professor
College of Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Assistant Professor
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Other Languages:
English, Turkish
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Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Electrical and Electronics-Biomedical Engineering, 2012- 2017, Grade: 3.79
Al-Nahrain University, Master's degree, Biomedical Engineering, 2001- 2004
University of Baghdad, B.Sc., Biomedical Engineering,1995- 2000
University of Baghdad, Electrical Engineering Department,1995 - 1997
Editorial Team: Plos one
Editorial Team: Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences (NJES), Baghdad, Iraq
Member of the Engineering Consultancy Bureau (ECB), College of Engineering- Al-Nahrain University
Discrimination of invasive ductal and lobular carcinoma of the breast based on the combination of enhanced Legendre polynomial, kinetic features and deep learning features
A Hasan, N Al-Waely, H Aljobouri, H Jalab, R Ibrahim, F Meziane, 2025
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 104, (2025), 12
CNN and ResNet50 Model Design for Improved Ultrasound Thyroid Nodules Detection
G Alghanimi, H Aljobouri, K Al-shimmari, 2024
2024 ASU International Conference in Emerging Technologies for Sustainability and Intelligent Systems (ICETSIS), 1000-1004
Automated Detection and Visualization of Local Kidney Images with Artificial Intelligence Models
H Saleh, H Aljobouri, H Amasha, 2024
Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences, 27, (4), 465-472
Molecular subtypes classification of breast cancer in DCE-MRI using deep features
A Hasan, N Al-Waely, H Aljobouri, R Ibrahim, H Jalab, F Meziane, 2024
Expert Systems with Applications, 236
Effective Feature Selection on Transfer Deep Learning Algorithm for Thyroid Nodules Ultrasound Detection
G Alghanimi, H Aljobouri, K Al-shimmari, R Massoudd, 2024
Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences, 27, (4), 396-401
Improving Bone Age Assessment with Inception-V3 and Faster R-CNN
M Saadi, H Aljobouri, a Al-Waely, 2024
Innovative and Intelligent Digital Technologies; Towards an Increased Efficiency, 564, 579–590
Design of MATLAB-based Radiomics Classifier Training Simulator Powered by Pyradiomics
M Erel, E Ermeydan, H Aljobouri, I Çankaya1, 2024
Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences, 27, (2), 185-192
Simplified Convolutional Neural Network Model for Automatic Classification of Retinal Diseases from Optical Coherence Tomography Images
N Khalaf, H Aljobouri, M Najim, I Çankaya, 2023
Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences, 26, (4), 314-319, 2023
Diagnosis of breast cancer based on hybrid features extraction in dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging
A Hasan, H Aljobouri, N Al-Waely, R Ibrahim, H Jalab, F Meziane, 2023
Neural Computing and Applications
Identification and Classification of Retinal Diseases by Using Deep Learning Models
N Najim, 2023
2023 International Conference on Smart Applications, Communications and Networking (SmartNets)
Convolutional Neural Network Deep Learning Model for Improved Ultrasound Breast Tumor Classification
H AL-rubaie, H Aljobouri, Z AL-Jobawi, I Çankaya, 2023
Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences, 26, (2), 57-62
Deep Learning Applications With a CNN Model Design for Fighting COVID -19 Pandemic: A Review
S Alnedawe, H Aljobouri, 2023
Proceedings of the Fourth Scientific Conference for Electrical Engineering Techniques Research (EETR 2022), 2804, (1)
Feature Extraction and Selection of Kidney Ultrasound Images Using a Deep CNN and PCA
N Alkordy, H Aljobouri, Z Wadi, 2023
6th Computational Methods in Systems and Software, 596, 104–114
MRI Brain Scans Classification Using Extreme Learning Machine on LBP and GLCM
J Al-Awadi, H Aljobouri, A Hasan, 2023
International journal of online and biomedical engineering, 19, (2), 134–149
Ultrasound renal stone diagnosis based on convolutional neural network and VGG16 features
N Alkurdy, H Aljobouri, Z Wadi, 2023
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 13, (3), 3440–3448
Chest CT images analysis with deep learning algorithms for COVID-19 diagnostic for Iraqi center
J Abdulkareem, H Aljobouri, 2023
A Systematic Review of Brain MRI Segmentation and Uncertainty Modeling Using Evidence Theory with Implementation of Fuzzy Clustering and Fuzzy Inference Systems Methods
S Sedeeq, F F.B., A Aljobouri, H H.K., H Hasan, J J.A., 2023
Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, 37, (6), 1537–1544
Efficient Feature Selection Using CNN, VGG16 and PCA for Breast Cancer Ultrasound Detection
A Alrubaie, H H.D., A Aljobouri, H H.K., A Aljobawi, Z Z.J, 2023
Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, 37, (5), 1255–1261
Anti-resonant based nested terahertz fiber design for illicit drugs detection
S Tahhan, H Aljobouri, B Altahan, 2023
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 13, (2), 1588-1598
A New Model Design for Combating COVID -19 Pandemic Based on SVM and CNN Approaches
S Monther, H Aljobouri, 2023
Baghdad Science Journal, 20, (4), 1402-1413
MRI brain tumor classification using robust Convolutional Neural Network CNN approach
J Rbat, H Aljobouri, A Hasan, 2023
2022 Iraqi International Conference on Communication & Information Technologies ( IICCIT-2022) , Basrah University , Basrah , Iraq, 258–261
Independent Component Analysis with Functional Neuroscience Data Analysis
H Aljobouri, 2023
Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering, 13, (2), 169-180
A classification model of breast masses in DCE-MRI using kinetic curves features with quantum-Raina’s polynomial based fusion
A Hasan, N Al-Waely, H Aljobouri, R Ibrahim, H Jalab, F Meziane, 2023
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 84, (105002)
A Virtual EMG Signal Control and Analysis for Optimal Hardware Design
H Aljobouri, 2022
International Journal of Online & Biomedical Engineering, 18, (2), 154-166
GLCM and CNN Deep Learning Model for Improved MRI Breast Tumors Detection
A Alsalihi, H Aljobouri, E ALTameemi, 2022
International Journal of Online & Biomedical Engineering, 18, (120)
A Robust Controller Design for Simple Robotic Human Arm
W Aboud, H Aljobouri, H Al-Amir, 2022
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI), 10, (3), 655-667
Simulation of continuous positive airway pressure device equipped with BLDC motor
A Mikha, H Aljobouri, 2022
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2386, (1)
Design of a web laboratory interface for ECG signal analysis using MATLAB builder NE
H Jaber, H Aljobouri, I Çankaya, 2022
Open Computer Science, 12, (1), 227–237
Optimal Analysis of Functional Magnetic Resonance (fMRI) Using Nonparametric Permutation Method
H Aljobouri, H Jaber, I Çankaya, 2022
NeuroQuantology, 20, (4), 113-127
CPAP Hardware/Simulation and Control Design for Respiratory Disorders: A Review
A Mikha, H Aljobouri, 2021
Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences, 24, (12), 112-122
A Simplified Design of CPAP Device Construction by Using Arduino NANO for OSA Patients
A Mikha, H Aljobouri, 2021
Design Engineering, 2021, (6)
Chest CT Images Analysis with Deep-Learning and Handcrafted Based Algorithms for COVID-19 Diagnosis
J Abdulkareem, H Aljobouri, A Hasan, 2021
Design Engineering, 2021, (6)
Optimal Model-Free Approach Based on MDL and CHL for Active Brain Identification in fMRI Data Analysis.
H Jaber, I Çankaya, H Aljobouri, O Koçak, O Algin, 2021
Current Medical Imaging, 17, (3), 352-365
Sensing of Illegal Drugs by Using Photonic Crystal Fiber in Terahertz Regime
S Tahhan, H Aljobouri, 2020
Journal of Optical Communications, 1, (ahead-of-print)
Brain activity detection in single-and multi-subject PET data by Bayesian analysis
H Aljobouri, 2020
Research on Biomedical Engineering, 36, (3), 303-309
Preparing fMRI Data for Postprocessing: Conversion Modalities, Preprocessing Pipeline, and Parametric and Nonparametric Approaches
H Jaber, H Aljobouri, Çankaya, O Koçak, O Algin, 2019
IEEE Access, 7, 122864-122877
Brain-Computer Interface Based on VEP and FMRI Package
H AlJobouri, F Ali, 2019
American Journal of Biomedical Sciences, 11, (1)
Design an Equivalent Left Ventricular Assist Device for Medical Equipment Labs
M Nazeeh, H Aljobouri, 2019
Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering, 9, (4)
Clustering fMRI data with a robust unsupervised learning algorithm for neuroscience data mining
H Aljobouri, H Jaber, O Kocak, O Algin, I Cankaya, 2018
Journal of neuroscience methods, 299, 45-54
Performance Assessment of Unsupervised Clustering Algorithms Combined MDL Index
H Aljobouri, H Jaber, I Çankaya, 2018
Recent Applications in Data Clustering, 175
Performance evaluation of prototype‐based clustering algorithms combined MDL index
H Aljobouri, H Jaber, I Çankaya, 2017
Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 25, (4), 642-654
Clustering Functional MRI Data using a Robust Unsupervised Learning Algorithm
h aljobouri, 2017
Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Turkey
Design and Implementation of High Voltage Generator for Medical Applications
H Alziarjawey, H AlJobouri, S Kivrak, Çankaya, 2017
International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, 6, (60), 118-122
Design Graphical User Interface of Linear Algebra System Package by Using MATLAB
i Jaber, H Aljobouri, Çamdali, 2016
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4, (1), 428 - 433
Biosignal Processing, Medical Imaging and fMRI (BSPMI) Software Package Based on MATLAB GUI for Education and Research
H AlJobouri, Çankaya, 2015
International Journal of Scientific Research in Information Systems and Engineering (IJSRISE), 1, (2), 35-43
From Biomedical Signal Processing Techniques to fMRI Parcellation
H AL-Jobouri, Çankaya, O Karal, 2015
A Survey on Optical Fiber Sensors for Telemedicine Applications
H AL-Jobouri, 2013
Universal Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2013Universal Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 1, (1), 1-5
Wireless bioinstruments for telecare
H Al-Jobouri, 2011
2011 1st Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 5-10
Photo Dynamic Therapy (PDT) with Biological Tissues using Nd:Glass Laser
a hadeel, A Anwaar, 2011
Journal of Engineering, 17, (4), 886-897
Computer-based ECG signal analysis and monitoring system
H Al-Jobouri, N Al-Ani, 2008
Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, 4, (3), 120-127
Designation of interface and software program as a base of ECG monitoring and signal analysis
h aljobouri, 2004
AL-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
VCfMRI: A Matlab Toolbox for Visualization and Conversion of fMRI Data Modalities, Accepted Manuscript (Uncorrected Proof)
H Jaber, H Aljobouri, O Koçak, O Algin, I Çankaya
Basic and Clinical Neuroscience (ahead-of-print)
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