Full Name: Hiyam Siham Taha Gender: Female Birthdate: 1985 Nationality: Iraq Degree: MSc Academic Title: Assistant Lecturer College\Center: College of Engineering
Departement: Architectural Engineering Major: Architecture Specialty: Sustainability Occupation: Teacher assistant Mother Language: Arabic Other Languages: English Work email: hayam.suham@nahrainuniv.edu.iq Personal email: hayamalani85@gmail.com
-B.Sc. of Architecture Engineering, University of Baghdad - College of Engineering - 2007
- M.Sc. of Architecture Engineering, University of Baghdad - College of Engineering - 2016
Work on Office applications with the latest versions
Work on internet applications
Work on the AutoCAD program for engineering designs
Working on managing the google classroom platform for university e-learning
- From (2007-2017) I worked as a resident engineer in the presidency of Al-Nahrain University - Engineering Department on projects implemented by the university (the central library and the student club)
- From (2017- till now) a faculty member in the Department of Architecture - Al-Nahrain University
- Responsible for e-learning for the Department of Architecture Engineering since 2020 until now
مقومات الاستدامة في السكن الجامعي أ. م. د. انعام امين البزاز, هيام سهام طه, 2017 Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences, 24, (3), 27-46
1194 Profile visits
Profile last updated on: 2023-05-23 02:08:28