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Al-Nahrain University
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Full Name: Adil Zamil Manshad Al-Saidi Gender: Male  Birthdate: 1973  Nationality: Iraq Degree: MSc  Academic Title: Assistant Professor College\Center: College of Engineering  Departement: Architectural Engineering Major: Architecture  Specialty: Urban design Occupation: Al-Nahrain University/college of Engineering Mother Language: Arabic  Other Languages: English Work email: Personal email:
  • Master of Architecture / Urban Design
  • Qualifications :
  • • Graduate Certificate in Research Practice from the University of Newcastle, England, in 2012
  • • Master of Architecture from the University of Technology in 1999
  • • Bachelor's degree in Architectural Engineering from the University of Technology in 1995
  • • Certificate of proficiency in English with a grade of C1 advanced from the University of Newcastle, England, in 2011
  • • Teaching Methods Certificate from Al-Nahrain University / Continuing Education in 2006
  • Skills:
  • • • A lecturer at architectural Design subject at all undergraduate years.
  • • A lecturer at architectural Graphic subject at the first and the second years.
  • • A lecturer at the quantities and Qualifications subject at the fifth year.
  • • A lecturer at the Building Construction subject at the second and the third years.
  • • The scientific research at the field of Architectural engineering and urban design.
  • • Design and construct variant architectural projects.
  • • Model maker.
  • • Architectural drawer using AutoCAD program.
  • • Using computer office programs such as excel and word.
  • •The department scheduled from 1/9/2013 to 1/9/2016
  • • Assistant Professor at Al-Nahrain University / College of Engineering / Architectural and Teaching Department since 1/22/2006 until now
  • • Engineer at the Ministry of Commerce / the General Company for Grain Trade / Department of Engineering and Projects from 2/8/2001 until 17/1/2006
Research Interest
  • 1. Urban Design
  • 2. Architectural education
  • 3. The urban environment and climate change
  • 4. Urban sustainability
  • 1. Researcher and publisher in an international journals
  • 2. Researcher and publisher in local journals
  • 3. Researcher and publisher in an international conference
  • 4. Researcher and publisher in three local conferences
  • 5. Research reviewer in an international journal and a local conference
  • Research papers:
  • 1.Sustainable Local Architecture as a Base to Create the Future Heritage in Contemporary Cities.1
  • IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 518 (2), 022062
  • 2.The Impact of Urban Form Characteristics on Carbon Mitigation Process in Cities
  • Civ. Environ. Res. 26, 23-26
  • 3. Popular Cities as Self Sustainable Reserves: The Case of Al Sadr City, Iraq
  • ISVS e-Journal 2022, 9-5
  • 4.Resilient Selection as a Mechanism for Adapting Iraqi Architecture to the Trends of Modernity
  • Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences, 109-118
  • 5. The impact of a frozen architectural heritage power on a local architecture
  • IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 881 (1), 012030
  • 6. The Valuable Age of the Urban Products
  • Journal of Engineering 4 (2), 65-81
  • 7. Evaluating the Educational Curriculum in Architecture Department According to ABET Criteria
  • Design Studies, 2018
  • 8. Finding a Scientific Method to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Urban Areas in Iraq/Baghdad as a Model
  • Journal of environment and earth science Vol 4, No 20 (2014)
  • 1. A teacher of Architectural Design for 17 years at the various levels of study in the department
  • 2. Architectural Graphics 14 years for the first and second years
  • 3. Building construction, 11 years, the second and third years
  • 4. Estimation and specifications for 5 years, the fifth year
  • 5. Designing external spaces and computers for the fourth and second years, one year
  • 1. A letter of thanks from a minister 5
  • 2. A letter of thanks from the President of the University 5
  • 3. A letter of thanks from the Dean of 18
  • No
  • No
  • Iraqi Engineers Association
Conferences, symposiums and workshops
  • 1.IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 518 (2), 022062 Baghdad
  • 2. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (3), 022062 Baghdad
  • 3.ENAR International congress on engineering and Architecture 2018 Alania Turkey
  • Engineer, designer and executor of many engineering projects that include religious, commercial, administrative, educational, judicial, health, residential buildings and laboratories in various spaces and multiple activities since 1995 until now.The most important of these projects are:
  • 1- The Iraqi Ministry of Trade in the years 2002-2003
  • 2- Trebil border complex with Jordan in 2002
  • 3- The central quality control laboratory for grains in Al-Taji / Baghdad 2001
  • 4- Laboratory of quality control of grains in Umm Qasr / Basra 2002
  • 5- Al-Rahman Mosque in Al-Mansur / Baghdad 1998-1999
  • 6- Nidaa Al-Islam Mosque in Al-Qahira neighborhood / Baghdad 2000
  • 7- The critical care unit building in Ibn Al-Bitar Hospital for Cardiac Surgery / Baghdad 2005
  • 8- The House of Justice in Al-Kahla / Maysan 2005
  • 9- The House of Justice in Al-Maimouna / Maysan 2005
  • 10- A commercial building in Palestine Street / Baghdad 2006
  • 11- A commercial building in Karrada, inside Baghdad, 2006
  • 12- Al-Ghazalia Typical School / Baghdad 2006
  • 13- Al-Firdous School in Al-Baladiyat / Baghdad 2006
  • 14- Two residential houseses with an area of ​​400 square meters and one of 495 square meters in Palestine Street / Baghdad 2003 and 2006 .
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