Academic staff profiles
Al-Nahrain University
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Full Name: Dr. Noor Imad Turki Gender: Female  Birthdate: 1993  Nationality: Iraq Degree: PhD  Academic Title: Assistant Lecturer College\Center: College of Political Science  Departement: Department of International Politics Major: Ph.D  Specialty: international studies Occupation: lecturer Mother Language: Arabic  Other Languages: English and the basics for other languages Work email:
  • PhD in Political Science \ International Studies in 2022-master in political science in 2018 with a bachelor's degree in 2014-2015 \ from Baghdad University Faculty of political science
  • The skill of writing research and articles in English and speaking it fluently, in addition to the basics of another language, writing articles and research on political affairs being part of political research ...
  • Teaching and lecturing for 4 years at the University of Baghdad \ Faculty of political science for various stages and supervising the graduation research of a number of fourth-stage students in the specialty of political science . Currently working at the University of Nahrain Faculty of Political Science / Department of international politics
  • Member of the General Assembly of political science
Conferences, symposiums and workshops
  • Participation in a number of workshops and conferences :
  • The workshops, especially those held at the faculty, are sponsored by the dean of political science, Dr. Osama Baqer al-Saidi, and organized and managed by the Department of international politics
  • As for the conferences, participation took place in the Baghdad peace conference last year, which was held in cooperation with the Popular Mobilization Foundation
169 Profile visits - Profile last updated on: 2024-02-27 11:53:24
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