Academic staff profiles
Al-Nahrain University
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Full Name: Dr. Hassan Jiad Al Hwaeer Gender: Male  Birthdate: 1967  Nationality: Iraq Degree: PhD  Academic Title: Assistant Professor College\Center: College of Science  Departement: Mathmatics and Computer Applications Department Major: Mathematics  Specialty: Modern algebra Occupation: Assistant professor Mother Language: Arabic  Other Languages: English Work email: Personal email:
  • • Swansea University, Swansea, UK
  • Ph.D., Mathematics, Modern Algebra, October 2014
  • • Thesis Topic: Grothendieck Categories of Enriched Functors • Adviser: Professor Grigory Garkusha
  • • Adviser: Professor Tomasz Brzezinski
  • • Area of Study: Category theory
  • • Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
  • M.Sc., Mathematics, Modern Algebra, August 1998
  • • ThesisTopic:SolutionsforEquationsCorrespondingTo*-embeddable of proper*-semi group Into a proper *-Ring
  • • Adviser:
  • Professor Dr Adel Shehata
  • • Area of Study: Algebra
  • • University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
  • B.Sc., Mathematics, August 1992
  • Computer Programming: • C,C++,VB
  • Numerical Analysis:
  • • MATLAB, Maple, Mathematica
  • MATLAB skill set:
  • • Linear algebra, Fourier transforms, Monte Carlo analysis, nonlinear numerical methods,
  • polynomials, statistic
  • Desktop Editing and Productivity Software: • TEX (LATEX, BIBTEX, ),
  • • Microsoft Office,
  • Operating Systems:
  • • Microsoft Windows family, Apple OS X
  • Mathematics:
  • • Categorytheory,Modernalgebra,AppliedMathematics,RealandComplexAnalysis,Mea-
  • sure, Topology Theory, Differential Geometry, Game Theory, Graph Theory, Combinatorics
  • Director of the Advisory Office of the College of Science 2020-2021
  • Dean Assistant for Scientific Affairs March 2019
  • College of Sciences, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Head of Mathematics department September 2015 to September 2018 Faculty of C.S. and Maths, University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq
  • Editorial Manager March 2015 to October 2015 Journal of Kufa for Mathematics and Computer, University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq
  • Head of Quality Assurance Division May 2009 to November 2010 Faculty of C.S. and Maths, University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq
  • Director of Graduated Study October 2005 to September 2007 Faculty Science, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Libya
  • -Sabaa Khaled Graduate student in Mathematics, University of Kufa. On *-semigroup ring 2017–2018.
  • -Hamza M. Salman Master student in Mathematics, University of Kufa. Grothendieck Categories of Generalized Modules. 2018-2019.
  • University of Kufa, Al-Najaf, Iraq
  • Lecturer (Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics).
  • • M.Sc-level course in commutative algebra.
  • • H.Diploma-level course in abstract algebra.
  • • undergraduate-level course in general topology. • undergraduate-level course in linear algebra.
  • • undergraduate-level course in category theory. • undergraduate-level course in ODE
  • Swansea University, Swansea, UK Demonstrator I (Mathematics department).
  • • Instructor for MA 302
  • • Instructor for MA 312
  • • Instructor for MA 102
  • • Instructor for MA 212
  • • Instructor for ECE 683: Undergraduate Design Project
  • undergraduate-level course in abstract algebra(Group and ring theory). • undergraduate-level course in linear algebra.
  • • undergraduate-level course in Mathematics foundation.
  • • undergraduate-level in General topology.
  • • undergraduate-level course in Complex Analysis
  • • undergraduate-level course in Numerical Analysis
  • • undergraduate-level course in Differential Geometry
  • • undergraduate-level course in Functional Analysis
  • • undergraduate-level course in Number theory
  • • undergraduate-level course in Theory of ordinary differential equations • undergraduate-level course in Real analysis
  • -Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (Iraq)
  • • Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, A certificate of appreciation, 2018 Iraqi Parliament
  • • Head of Parliamentary Education Committee, A certificate of appreciation, 2017 Iraqi cultural attache London
  • • Graduate Research Honorable Mention, 2014
  • Correction to
    H Hwaeer, G Albkwre, N Turgay, 2020
    Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 60, (2), 415-421

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