Full Name: Dr. ALI HAIDER ALHAMMER Gender: Male Birthdate: 1984 Nationality: Iraq Degree: PhD Academic Title: Lecturer College\Center: Biotechnology Research Center
Departement: - Major: Biotechnology Specialty: Cancer and stem cells technology Mother Language: Arabic Other Languages: English Work email: ali.alhammer@nahrainuniv.edu.iq Personal email: alialhammer@gmail.com
PhD Cancer (targeted therapies for ALL stem cells) Apr 2014 — Mar 2018
Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle University, UK
Exploring the Pre-B cell receptor checkpoint as a therapeutic target in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Research experience:
1. Formation and analysis of xenografts from primary derived material – monitoring of mice and subsequent dissection and procession of spleen cells for downstream analyses
2. Mouse tail vein bleeds – tracking peripheral blood engraftment of leukaemia in mice by Flowcytometry (MRD analysis)
3. Assessment of drug sensitivity of single and combinations in vitro and ex vivo –resazurin assay to assess the drug sensitivity of cell lines and xenograft cells
4. Culture of leukaemia and lymphoma suspension cells in addition to adherent cells of breast, pancreatic tumor cells
5. Western blotting
6. Flowcytometry to assess-Intracellular phospho-profiling, Ca mobilisation, cell surface markers, Immunophenotyping, cell cycle profile and apoptosis.
9. Software application to calculate combination indecies (CalcuSyn).
10. Supervising undergraduate last year project for a student at the Northern Institute of Cancer Research, Newcastle University.
Research Interest
My current research investigates:
Defining novel therapeutic targets: I systematically interrogate aberrant pathways to identify actionable protein candidates with the potential to eradicate or suppress blast cells in vitro.
Combination therapy optimization: I evaluate the synergism of these novel targets with established chemotherapeutic agents, aiming to enhance efficacy and overcome treatment resistance.
In vivo model development: Utilizing readily available resources, I am actively establishing an immunocompromised mouse model to bridge the gap between in vitro findings and preclinical validation.
Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells, Suspension cell culture, PCR, RT-qPCR, Tissue Culture, Western Blot, Analysis Gel Electrophoresis, Flow Cytometry, Immunophenotyping, Ca mobilization assay, Intracellular phosphoprofiling assay, Electrophoresis, ELISA assay, Cancer Biology, SDS-PAGE, Adherent cell Culture, RNA Isolation, Cell Signaling, DNA Extraction, Cellular Biology, GraphPad Prism, Small Animal Handling, Cell Viability, Immunocompromised mice Handling, Blood Collection, In Vivo Study.
Other skills:
Clonogenic Assay, Fluorescence microscopy, Amplification of human cancer cells in Xenograft mouse Model, Establishment of human tumors in immuno-sppressed mice, Annexin V Apoptosis Assays, Acridine orange-Ethidium bromide Apoptosis Assays, Wound healing (scratch assay).