Academic staff profiles
Al-Nahrain University
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Full Name: Dr. Alaa Jabbar Ghazai Gender: Male  Birthdate: 1974  Nationality: Iraq Degree: PhD  Academic Title: Professor College\Center: College of Science  Departement: Medical Physics Science Major: Solid State Physics  Specialty: Thin Films/Optoelectronic materials and Devices Occupation: Lecturer Mother Language: Arabic  Other Languages: English Work email: Personal email:
  • Highest Education
  • Bachelor in physics (BSc)Institution: Education College, AlMustanssiriyha University, Baghdad, IraGraduation Date: 1998-1999
  • Second Highest Education
  • Master in Science of Physics (MSc)Institution: Education College, AlMustanssiriyha University, Baghdad, IraGraduation Date: 2001
  • Third Highest Education
  • Doctor in Physics Science (PhD)Solid State Physics, Photonic Materials and Devices, Thin Films
  • Institution: University Sains Malaysia (USM), Palau Pinang, Malaysia
  • Graduation Date: 2012
  • 2015-To present Lecturer, Department of Physics, Science College, Al-Nahrain University,
  • Iraq
  • 2004-2015 Lecturer, Department of Physics, Science College, Thi Qar University, Iraq
  • 2008-2010 researcher, Nano Optoelectronic Research and Technology Laboratory (NOR
  • Lab), School of Physics, University Science Malaysia (USM), Malaysia
  • 1999-2001Optoelectronic Department
  • , Researcher at Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission
Research Interest
  • To conduct state- of- the-art research aimed at developing materials and device technologies
  • for wide bandgap semiconductors such GaN, AlGaN, InGaN, AlInGaN, ZnO and SiC
  • To educate and prepare through effective teaching and research leadership qualified
  • scientists for the future
  • To share advanced technologies developed at labs and Universities over wide world to
  • make collaborations between industries and other research and development professionals
  • Awarded ITEX Silver Medal for invention Novel Solar Cell Efficiency For Nanostructures
  • CdS (2012)Top Published at OSA since 2011 for article titled “Quaternary ultraviolet AlInGaN
  • MQW laser diode performance using quaternary AlInGaN electron blocking layer”,
  • Opt. Express.19, pp. 9245-9254. Impact factor: 3.75
  • A biography in the 2013(30th)Edition of Marquis Who’s Who in Science and
  • Engineering
  • Sanggar Sanjung (Hall of Fame)Award and Merit Reward (USM)2011, 2012, and 2013
  • Many Thankful from Ministry of higher education and scientific research, Iraq (since 2010)More than sixty thankful from vice chancellery of Thi Qar and Al-Nahrain Universities Since
  • 2004
  • Member of Physics and Mathematics Society Since1998
  • Member of Iraqi Lecturers Unity Since 2004
  • Member of Optic Society American (OSA)Since 2011
  • Member of Iraqi Academics syndicate Since 2017
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