السيرة الذاتية للتدريسيين في
جامعة النهرين
تسجيل الدخول/تحديث المعلومات
معلومات شخصية
الاسم الكامل:
أ.د. ازهار عبد الفتاح ابراهيم الاطرقجي
سنة الميلاد:
اللقب العلمي:
كلية الطب
الاحياء المجهرية
التخصص العام:
احياء مجهرية طبية
التخصص الدقيق:
فطريات طبية
اللغة الام:
اللغات الاخرى:
البريد الالكتروني الرسمي:
البريد الالكتروني الشخصي:
Evaluation of antifungal potential of fruiting body extracts of Pleurotus ostreatus in vitro and in vivo study.
A Gutef, A Al-Attraqchi, H Saheb, A Tawfeeq, 2020
Drug Invention Today, 14, (3), 392-398
Evaluation of antibacterial potential of fruiting body extracts of Pleurotus ostreatus in vitro and in vivo study
H Gutef1*, A Al-Attraqchi2, A Tawfeeq3, 2020
Drug invention today, 14, (6), 854-863
Evaluation of antifungal potential of fruiting body extracts of Pleurotus ostreatus in vitro and in vivo study
A Gutef1*, A Al-Attraqchi2, H Saheb3, 2020
Drug invention today, 14, (3), 854-863
Evaluation the enzymatic activites of Candida albicans and Candida parapasilosis isolated from bovine mastitis in Basrah Province Iraq by API ZYM test
H AL-abedi, A AL-Attraqchi, B Khudaier, 2020
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2290, (1), 020014
Detection of pulmonary blastomycosis in patients with different respiratory diseases using conventional and molecular methods
H Abdulrahman1*, A Al-Attraqchi1, H Al-Taee2, 2020
Annals of Tropical Medicine & Public Health, 23, (19), 232110-232122
Relation of Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis with beta defensin and IL-4 among different Iraqi women
A Midhat, A Al-Attraqchi, T Al-din, 2020
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Health, 23, 231-445
Relation of Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis with beta defensin and IL-4 among different Iraqi women
T Midhat1*, A Al-Attraqchi2, 2020
Annals of Tropical Medicine & Public Health, 23, (14)
Investigation of the Hydrolytic Enzyme Activities of Candida Parapsilosis Isolated From Milk Samples of Bovine Mastitis by API ZYM and Molecular Method
B AL-abedi1, A AL-Attraqchi2, 2020
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14, (3), 2443-2449
Green Synthesis and Evaluation of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles using Fig Leaves and their Antifungal and Antibacterial Activities
A Taha1*, N Abbas2, 2020
IJDDT(International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology), 10, (3), 378-382
Determination the activity of some hydrplytic enzymes of Candida albicans isolated from milk samples of bovine mastitis using conventional PCR assay
B Al-Abidi, A Al-Attraqchi, 2020
2nd Al-Noor International Conferencs for Science and Technology ( Conference Proceeding), 229-231
G Al-Attraqchi1, L Al-Anbary2, 2020
Biochem. Cell. Arch., 20, (1), 1203-1206
Evaluation the enzymatic activities of Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis isolated from bovine mastitis in Basra province Iraq by API ZYM test.
B Al-Abedi, A Al-Attraqchi, 2020
Conference preceeding on Applied Science of Technology, 2290, (020014), 020014(1-8)
Antimicrobial activities of green biosynthesized iron oxide nanoparticles using F. carica fruit extract
J Abbas, A Al-Attraqchi, 2020
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine &Toxicology., 14, (2), 2181-2187
Anti—Ppathogenic Candida Spp. Activity Determination Via Lactobacillus Spp. Isolation And Identifications Using Conventional And Molecular Methods
B AL-abedi*, A A.F.AL-Attraqchi**, 2020
Basrah Journal of Veterinary Research, 19, (3), 130-148
Phenotypic and gynotypic characterization of Lactobacillus spp. Isolated from apparently healthy cow milk, Basrah/Iraq.
B *, 2020
Bas.J.Vet.Res., 19, (1), 292-304.
A Al-Attraqchi, 2019
Conventional and molecular detection of Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis isolatedfrom bovine mastitis in Basrah-Iraq
F Hawrra, Y Bassam, A Azhar, 2019
Biochem. Cell. Arch., 19, (2), 3285-3289
. Evaluation of nested PCR for the diagnosis of Aspergillus rhinosinusitis in comparison with conventional methods
A Hussein*, 1 1, 2019
Biochemical and Cellular Archieve, 19, (2), 3113-3117
Conventional and molecular detection of C. albicans and C. parapsilosis isolated from bovine mastitis in Basrah-Iraq
B Al-Attraqchi, H Al-Abidy, 2019
Biochemical and Cellular Archieve, 19, (2), 3285-3289
Medicinal fungi (Editorial Article)
A Al-Attraqchi, 2019
Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 17, (1), 1-3
. In vitro study the effect of Ginger extract on fungal isolates from supparativeotitis media and externa
M Al-Attraqchi, H Sahib, J Al-Hasseni, 2019
Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 17, (1), 4-11
The vitro study effect of ginger extracts on fungal isolated from a suppurative otitis media and externa. Iraqi JMS. 2019; 17 (1): 4-11. doi: 10.22578
A Al-Attraqchi, H Sahib, J Al-Hasseni, M Mohammed, 2019
Editorial Board Members, 17, (2), 4
Medicinal fungi. Iraqi JMS. 2019; 17 (1): 1-3. doi: 10.22578
A Al-Attraqchi, 2019
Editorial Board Members, 17, (1), 1
Molecular identification of fungal infections in Children with Intermittent Peritoneal dialysis
R Rasheed, A Attraqchi, S Ali, 2018
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 10, (7), 1742-1744
The Effect of Ginger Extracts on Bacterial Isolates from Patients with Suppurative Otitis Media and Externa: In Vitro Study.
M Mohammed, A Al-Attraqchi, J Al-Hasseni, H Sahib, 2018
Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 16, (2)
Genotyping of Listeria Monocytogenes in Iraqi Women with Spontaneous Abortion Using Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis.
K Qassim, A Attraqchi, Y Khatab, 2018
Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 16, (1)
Molecular detection of fungal species in a sample of Iraqi patients with menigitis
A Al-Attraqchi, R Raad, 2018
Journal of Global Pharma Technology, 10, (11), 390-395
Molecular identification of bacterial infections in children with intermittent peritoneal dialysis.
S Al-Attraqchi, R Yosuf, 2018
Journal of Global Pharma Technology, 10, (10), 447-452
Molecular and conventional methods for detection of Candida species isolated from a sample of immunocompromised Iraqi patients with pulmonary symptoms
b AL-Attraqchi, a Hassan, a Dawood, 2017
J Contemp Med Sci, 3, (10), 229-233
Detection of Listeria monocytogenes in Placenta of Aborted Women.
K Qassim, A Attraqchi, Y Khatab, 2017
Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 15, (4)
Detection of Listeria monocytogenes in placenta of aborted women
a Al-Attraqchi, L Waleed, 2017
Iraqi JMS, 15, (4)
Atlas of Medical Mycology
P Al-Attraqchi, 2017
Conventional methods for the diagnosis of Pneumocystis jirovecii in immunocompromised Iraqi patients.
A Azhar, E Esa, H Haider, 2016
Iraqi journal of medical sciences, 14, (1)
The efficiency of molecular and conventional methods in detection of Candida albicans isolated from immunocompromised patients with pulmonary symptoms.
H Haider, A Azhar, M Marwa, J Jabbar., 2016
Iraqi journal of medical sciences, 14, (4)
Molecular detection of ALS1 virulence gene of Candida albicans isolated from group of Iraqi patients.
A Azhar, A Aysha, S Saif, 2015
Journal of the Faculty of Medicine, 57, (1)
Molecular and immunohistocemical detection of JC polyomavirus in human colorectal polyps in sample of Iraqi patients.
Y Azhar, D Dalia, 2015
Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 4, (2), 743-755.
Molecular methods for the diagnosis of Pneumocystis jirovecii in immunocompromised iraqi patients
A Azhar, E Eisa, H Haider, 2015
Mintage journal of pharmaceutical and medical sciences, 4, (4)
Comparative study between molecular and conventional detection methods of Malassezia furfur isolated from Iraqi psoriatic patients
A Azhar, A Abbas, S Saif, 2015
International Journal of current research, 7, (7)
Molecular and immunohistochemical detection of JC polyomavirus in human colorectal cancer in sample of Iraqi patients
A Azhar, D Daliya, Y Yaarub, 2015
International journal of scientific and engineering research., 6, (1)
Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Meningitis by conventional methods and Real-time PCR in Iraqi patients
A Azhar, J Jabbar, A Akram, 2014
Journal of Genetic and Environmental Resources Conservation, 2, (2)
Coccidioidal Meningitis: Case Report
A Al-Attraqchi, J Hassan, A Hadi, 2014
Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 12, (3)
Detection of Aspergillus fumigatus by RT-PCR among patients with chronic respiratory diseases
E Al-Sharifi, A Al-Attraqchi, S Qasim, M Al-Fahham, 2014
Journal of Genetic and Environmental Resources Conservation, 2, (1), 95-102
Diagnosis of Cryptococcus Meningitis by conventional methods and Real-time polymerase chain reaction.
A Azhar, J Jabbar, A Akram, 2014
International journal of scientific and engineering research, 5, (8)
Detection of Aspergillus fumigates by RT-PCR among patients with chronic respiratory disease
A Azhar, E Ehan, 2014
Journal of Genetic and Environmental Resources Conservation., 2, (1)
Coccidioidal meningitis(case report
A Azhar, J Jabbar, A Ameer, 2013
Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 12, (3)
Identification of Malassezia species isolated from seborrhic dermatitis patients
A Azhar, A Abbas, M Muna, 2013
Thi Qar Medical Journal, 7, (1)
Detection of Candida spp. responsible for vulvovaginitis in women with contraceptives.
A Azhar, N Najwan, M Muna, 2013
Journal of Genetic and Environmental Resources Conservation, 1, (3)
Relation of Malassezia spp. with atopic dermatitis patients in Baghdad
A Azhar, A Abbas, M Muna, 2013
Journal of Genetic and Environmental Resources Conservation, 1, (3)
PCR in comparison with culture methods for the diagnosis of Candida albicans responsible for candidemia in leukemic patients
A Azhar, S Saba, E Elham, 2013
Diyala Journal of Medicine, 5, (2)
Medical mycology (Published Book)
A Azhar, 2013
Relation of Malassezia spp. with steroid acne and folliculitis.
A Azhar, A Abbas, M Muna, 2013
Journal of American Sciences., 9, (11)
Species of Malassezia associated with psoriasis
A Azhar, A Abbas, M Muna, 2012
Journal of the Faculty of Medicine Baghdad., 54, (4)
Skin cancer and cutaneous blastomycosis.
A Azhar, H Hiba, H Husam, 2012
International Journal for Sciences and Technology, 7, (1)
Comparative study of cellular immune response in cutaneous blastomycosis
A Azhar, H Hiba, 2012
Engineering and Technology Journal, 30, (20)
Determination of the incidence of superficial mycosis in Iraqi patients admitted to Al-Kadhymiyah Teaching hospital/Dermatology Dep
A Azhar, R Rabab, A Aid, 2011
Kirkuk University Journal, 6, (3)
Estimation of the level of TGF-β and TNF-α in Cutaneous Blastomycosis
A Azhar, H Hiba, 2010
1st Medical Conference of Iraq Turkman Doctors Association
Anti- Leishmania tropica activity of Candida albicans proteinase
A Azhar, H Huda, 2010
Diyala Journal for Pure Sciences, 6, (3)
Molecular Detection of Fungal Species in a Sample of Iraqi Patients with Meningitis
R Hwidyii, A Attraqchi, A Abdulamir, 2009
In vitro effect of proteinase from Candida albicans on Leishmania donovani.
A Azhar, H Huda, 2008
Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 6, (3)
Rapid diagnosis of systemic candidiasis by latex particle Agglutination.
A Azhar, E Elham, L Layla, 2005
European journal of Scientific Researches, 12, (1)
A comparison between 2 antigens of C. albicans for the diagnosis of systemic candidiasis
A Azhar, 2004
Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 3, (3)
Omeprazole coupled with single versus double antimicrobial therapy for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori in duodenal ulcer disease
A Azhar, T Tariq, 2001
The Iraqi journal of Medical Sciences., 1, (1)
A Al-Attraqchi, 2000
غير محدد
Evalution The Antifungal Activity of Lactobacillus Against Some isolates of Candida spp Isolated From Bovine Mycotic Mastitis
H AL-Abedi, B Khudaier, A AL-Attraqchi
A Al-Attraqchi, L Al-Anbary, G Al-Ubaidi, K Fahad
Green Synthesis and Evaluation of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles using Fig Leaves and their Antifungal and Antibacterial Activities
J Taha, N Abbas, A Al-Attraqchi
The effect of ginger extracts on bacterial isolates from patients with suppurative otitis media and externa: in vitro study. Iraqi JMS. 2018; 16 (2): 216-222. doi: 10.22578
M Mohammed, A Al-Attraqchi, J Al-Hasseni, H Sahib
IJMS, 16, 14
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اخر تحديث لهذه الصفحة في: 2021-09-04 21:10:00
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لجامعة النهرين ©2025
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- مركز الحاسبة الالكترونية
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