السيرة الذاتية للتدريسيين في
جامعة النهرين
تسجيل الدخول/تحديث المعلومات
معلومات شخصية
الاسم الكامل: أ.د. حيدر بهاء صاحب علي الحسني الجنس: ذكر  سنة الميلاد: 1974  الجنسية: العراق الشهادة: دكتوراه  اللقب العلمي: أستاذ التشكيل: كلية الصيدلة  القسم: الصيدلة التخصص العام: صيدلة  التخصص الدقيق: علم الادوية والسموم المنصب: عميد الكلية اللغة الام: العربية  اللغات الاخرى: English البريد الالكتروني الرسمي: dr.hayder.bahaa@nahrainuniv.edu.iq البريد الالكتروني الشخصي: haider_bahaa@yahoo.com
التحصيل الاكاديمي
  • دكتوراه علم الادوية
  • استاذ مساعد علم الادوية
  • PhD Pharmacology / Al Nahrain University/ College of Medicine 2014
  • Thesis: The antiangiogenic and cytotoxic activities of Vitex agnus castus leaves extract: In vitro and in vivo study
  • M.Sc., Pharmacology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2009
  • Thesis: Anti-angiogenic activity of standardized methanolic leaves extract of
  • Orthosiphon stamineus Benth.
  • D. Sc. Higher Diploma, Clinical Pharmacy, Baghdad University 2001
  • Thesis: Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and Calcium in hypertensive and/or diabetic patients
  • B.Sc. (Pharmacy), Baghdad University, 1997
  • Concentrations: Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Thesis: The role of H-Pylori bacteria in duodenal ulcer
المهارات والمؤهلات
  • Skills
  • 1- Has good experiences and skilled in designing research experiments
  • 2- Skilled in scientific writing has a certificate from University Sains Malaysia
  • 3- Skilled in statistical design for experiments has a certificate from University Sains Malaysia
  • 4- Has very good experiences in using the Bio Laboratories chemicals and equipments has a certificate from University Sains Malaysia and Esco lab technique company.
  • 5- Skilled in using animal laboratory for conducting Pharmacology researches. Has a certificate from University Sains Malaysia.
  • 6- Speaking Arabic and English fluently (Arabic is the mother tongue. English passed the TOEFL exam successfully with high score. Can communicate with Malaysia language.
  • 7- Working as a research assistant in University Science Malaysia (USM) working on above named experiments. Scientific writing and Statistical analysis by using SSPS. Software.
  • 8- Professional in using word, power point and Excel software’s
  • 9- Arab Society for Health Awareness and continues medical education. Has completed the educational activity titled Certified Integrated Pharmaceutical Academy – CIPA- Istanbul – Turkey Dec, 6-7-2013.
  • 10- Reviewed three M.Sc. Thesis as external reviewer
  • 11- Examined one M.Sc. thesis
  • 12- Has been reviewed many manuscripts at science alert journals
المناصب والتدرج الوظيفي
  • 1) Date : Dec.2019 till now
  • Employer : College of pharmacy, Al-Nahrain University
  • Job title : Dean of the college
  • 2) Date : Dec 2014 – 2019
  • Employer : College of Pharmacy, Al- Nahrain University
  • Job Title : Deputy Dean
  • 3) Date : Feb 2013-Dec 2014
  • Employer : College of Medicine, Al- Nahrain University
  • Job Title : Lecturer, teaching Pharmacology
  • 4) Date : November 2009 – Jan 2013
  • Employer : College of Pharmacy, Karbala University
  • Job Title : Lecturer, teaching Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • 5) Date : October 2007 – Dec 2009
  • Employer : School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Job Title : Research Assistant (Pharmacology).
  • 6) Date : July 2003 – December 2006
  • Employer : Head of Clinical Pharmacist in Neuroscience Hospital- Iraq
  • Job Title : Specialist Clinical Pharmacist.
  • 7) Date : Sep 2000-2003
  • Employer : Clinical Pharmacist in Ibn-Al-Khatib Hospital Baghdad-Iraq
  • Job Title : Specialist Clinical Pharmacist.
  • 8) Date : August 1998-2000
  • Employer : Clinical Pharmacist in Central Child Hospital Baghdad-Iraq
  • Job Title : Senior Clinical Pharmacist.
  • 9) Date : August 1997-1998
  • Employer : Rotator Pharmacist in Al-Yarmuk Hospital Baghdad-Iraq
  • Job Title : Training Pharmacist.
اهتمامات بحثية
  • (i) Screening for potential bioactive chemical constituents from herbal/ medicinal plants
  • (ii) Pharmacological evaluation of the potential chemical constituents in animal models or in vitro assay
  • (iii) Pharmacokinetics evaluation of the potential chemical constituents from herbal/ medicinal plants
  • (iv) Cytotoxicity evaluation of plant extract or standardized herbal product
خبرات بحثية و اشراف
  • Screening various medicinal plants for potential angiogenic compounds from Malaysian herbs
  • Isolation and characterization of chemical constituents from the active herbs using bioactivity-guided fractionation and isolation approach
  • Analytical studies of chemical constituents of herbs for assay in plant tissue, herbal preparations and biological fluids
  • Pharmacological evaluation of the bioactive chemical constituents by in vivo and in vitro method
  • Cytotoxicity evaluation and angiogenesis assays (using various cancer and normal cells)
  • Apoptosis and western blotting assay evaluation for variant herbs and pure compounds.
  • Having reasonable experiences in high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), thin layer chromatography (TLC), column chromatography and FT-IR.
  • Identify the Anti-oxidant activity of compounds and some other phytochemical tests.
  • Teaching in the National center for drugs quality control and researches, cell culture.
  • Participated in an intensive course at Leicester City/ Demontfort University/ School of pharmacy in Forensic Medicine. United Kingdom/
خبرات التدريس
  • pharmacology
  • clinical pharmacy
الجوائز وكتب الشكر
  • Hayder B. Sahib Khalid Hussain., Zahari Ismail., Amin Malik Shah ., Amirin S., Pazila Ibrahim Kadomid: standardized kadok extract having anti angiogeneic activity, MTE, 2008, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia. Silver Medal.
  • Hayder B. Sahib Khalid Hussain, Zahari Ismail. Amin Malik Shah. Amirin S., Pazila Ibrahim Nobesity: standardized extract having anti-obesity activity, Bio Malaysia, 2008, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia. Silver Medal
  • Hayder B. Sahib Amin Malik Shah bin Abdul Majid, Zahari Ismail, Khalid Hussain CANSSUFIVETM An inhibitor of angiogenesis and enhancer of tamoxifien activity. Pecipta 2009, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia Silver Medal
  • Best PhD Thesis in Al-Nahrain University/College of Medicine/ 2014
  • ***Patent (WO2011129680A1). (http://www.google.com/patents/WO2011129680A1?cl=en)
  • Patent: A61K3/53-------NO. 5236 -----15/2/2018---- استخدام مستخلص نبات كف مريم في علاج فرط شحميات الدم / الجهاز المركزي للقييس والسيطرة النوعية
  • Patent no/ 6618/ A61K36/00
  • Scopus H-Index: 7
  • Google H-Index: 10
  • with 126 thank and appreciations
الجمعيات المهنية
  • Member of Iraqi Pharmacist syndicate 1997-till now
  • Member of Iraqi Pharmacist resident cooperation summit 2014- till now
  • Member of Asian science editor since 2015
  • Member of inventor association 2018
المؤتمرات والندوات والورش
  • 12
1329 الزيارات - اخر تحديث لهذه الصفحة في: 2023-05-27 13:24:48
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لجامعة النهرين ©2024
تصميم وبرمجة د. رسول هشام السعدي - مركز الحاسبة الالكترونية
بريد الدعم الفني: cv@nahrainuniv.edu.iq
عدد الزيارات: 184085
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