السيرة الذاتية للتدريسيين في
جامعة النهرين
تسجيل الدخول/تحديث المعلومات
معلومات شخصية
الاسم الكامل: أ.د. سعد صالح الدجيلي الجنس: ذكر  سنة الميلاد: 1961  الجنسية: العراق الشهادة: دكتوراه  اللقب العلمي: أستاذ التشكيل: المعهد العالي لتشخيص العقم والتقنيات المساعدة على الانجاب  القسم: قسم فسلجه التناسل السريري التخصص العام: فسلجة تناسل  التخصص الدقيق: فسلجة التناسل السريري والتقنيات المختبرية المساعدة على الانجاب المنصب: تدريسي اللغة الام: العربية  اللغات الاخرى: الانكليزي البريد الالكتروني الرسمي: dr.saadaldujaily@ierit.nahrainuniv.edu.iq البريد الالكتروني الشخصي: aldujaily8@yahoo.com
التحصيل الاكاديمي
  • دكتوراه في الفسلجة من جامعة بغداد 18/3/1997 .التخصص الدقيق :فسلجة التناسل السريري والتقنيات المختبرية المساعدة على الانجاب.
المهارات والمؤهلات
  • 1-Andrological tests such as :
  • -Seminal fluid analysis
  • -sex selection
  • -Sperm viability test.
  • -In vitro preparation tests(highly successful rate in IUI outcome 20-25%.
  • -Post coital test
  • -Hypo-osmotic swelling test.
  • - Kruger strict criteria.
  • - Endtz test for detection of Leukocytes in the Semen.
  • -Genetic Tests
  • II-Clinical Embryologist: - Handling the ART lab. for
  • -oocyte collections .
  • -in vitro oocyte maturation.
  • - in vitro fertilization .
  • -GIFT ,ZIFT Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
  • - Routine embryo ,sperm and oocyte Cryopreservation and Vitrification.
  • -Blastomere biopsy and polar body biopsy and PGD
المناصب والتدرج الوظيفي
  • رئيس قسم فسلجة التناسل السريري في معهد ابحاث الاجنة وعلاج العقم : 2000-2010
  • معاون العميد للشؤون العلمية في (معهد ابحاث الاجنة وعلاج العقم) المعهد العالي لتشخيص العقم والتقنيات المساعدة على الانجاب في جامعة النهرين للفترة من 1/11/2010-2014
  • مدير مركز بحوث التقنيات الاحيائية:2015-2018
  • مدير عام مركز بحوث التقنيات الاحيائية :2018-2019
خبرات بحثية و اشراف
  • Scientific Publications
  • 1-Myocardial Perfusion in Experimentally Induced Diabetes Mellitus. (Indian J.exp
  • Biology, 1990).PubMed.
  • 2-Cardiac Structural-Functional Aspects In Experimentally Induced Diabetes Mellitus ( J.Faculty Medicine, 1998)
  • 3-In Vitro Epididymal Sperms Activation and Intra-Bursal Insemination In Mice: Model for Human Vasal Obstruction.( Proceeding of 3th Asian Symposium on Animal Biotechnology, (ASAB), Seoul-Korea,Dec.11-14-1997)
  • 4-Development of Mice Embryos of Early Cleavage Stages Following Intra-Bursal
  • Insemination( Iraqi J.Vet.Science,1998)
  • 5-Epididymal Sperms Activation In Vitro and Intra-Peritoneal Insemination: Experimental Model in Mice for Obstruction Azoospermia.(Proceeding of 4th Asian Symposium on Animal Biotechnology, (ASAB), Kamiina-Japan Oct.7-9, 1998.)
  • 6-In Vitro Activation of Epididymal Spermatozoa after Eight Weeks of Vasectomy in Mice.(Proceeding of 4th Asian Symposium on Animal Biotechnology, (ASAB), Kamiina-Japan Oct.7-9, 1998.)
  • 7-Reproductive Hormones Concentrations and Sperm Function Tests in Infertile Iraqi Patients (Proceeding of 4th Asian Symposium on Animal Biotechnology, (ASAB), Kamiina-Japan Oct.7-9, 1998.)
  • 8-Use of Mice Oviductal Flushing Medium to Activate the Human and Mice Sperm Functions in Vitro (J.Babylon University, 1999).
  • 9-In Vitro Epididymal Sperm activation of some Livestock Animals(AlKadicia University J.2004)
  • 10-Oviductal flushing medium support in vitro fertilization of mice ova(Muosl Medicine J,2004)
  • 11-The effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra on in vitro activation of asthenospermic patients(J. Babylon University,2006.11(3):477-483).
  • 12-Measurement of reactive oxygen species in patients complaining from hypovolumic ejaculation( J.Faculty Medicine,2004 ,).
  • 13-Detecting leukocytospermia by myeloperoxidase staining method for patients of Baghdad IVF Institute(Medical J. Babylon ,2005)
  • 14-Effect of Citrullus colocynthis on certain sperm functions and Live birth in
  • mice:Experimental model for mammals(J.Babylon university,2006).
  • 15- Role of diagnostic vital tests in unexplained male infertility(J.Babylon University , 1.2. 2007).
  • 16-Oviductal flushing medium support in vitro fertilization of mice ova: A biochemical and hormonal study ( Al-Teqani Journal,2006).
  • 17- In vitro sperm activation of infertile semen samples complaining from varicoceles( Medical J. Babylon,2007;4(1-2):14-19.
  • 18-Effect of pentoxifylline on the outcome of artificial inseminations( Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal,2007)
  • 19-Effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra on IVF outcome in mice.J Biotechnology Center, 80-89.2008.
  • 20- Effect of modified Tris solution with Glycyrrhiza glabra on cryostorage of infertile semen several days after ejaculation. Proceeding of 4thConference of Karbala University
  • 26-28.March 2008.
  • 21- Impact of reproductive hormones on certain sperm function: characters of Infertile patients. Medical College –Tikrit University,2009
  • 22- Effect of D-penicillamine on Sperm Activation In Vitro. Proceeding of 11th Conference of Babylon University,2009
  • 23-Reproductive hormonal evaluation of female mice after treatment with pentoxifylline
  • .Iraqi J.Vet. Med.,33(2):146-151,2009.
  • 24 Artificial insemination outcome following washing the cervix and uterus with pentoxifylline . Middle East fertility Society (MEFs) 14th annual Scientific Congress Egypt -Cairo, Nov. 4 -7, 2009(abstract)
  • 25- Correlation between intra-uterine insemination outcome and Kruger strict criteria using two staining methods to detect the sperm morphology of infertile men. Iraqi J. Embryos .Infertil .Research. , 2011 1 (1):12-20
  • 26- Effect of Citrullus colocynthis on some physiological aspects of female reproductive system in mice as a model for mammals .J Biotechnology Res. Center.2011, 1(2):36-40
  • 27- Effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra extract on in vitro sperm activation and embryonic development following intra-peritoneal insemination in mice. Iraqi J. Embryos .Infertil .Research. 2011;1 (2): 31-38
  • 28- Pathological changes in genital organs of female albino mice after treatment with pentoxifylline. Iraqi J. medical Sciences,2011;9(3):261-269.
  • 29- Effect of L-carnitine on in vitro sperm activation of infertile men.(Iraqi J. Embryos .Infertil .Research. ( 2 (3):22-25, 2012.)
  • 30- A Study of some physiological aspects in mature male rabbits after oral administration of Citrullus colocynthis.(Iraqi J.Vet. Med.36(2):211-218,2012).
  • 31- Histopathological and Biochemical study of the effect of Citrullus colocynthis on the heart and liver of mature male rabbits: as a model for mammals(Proceeding of the11th Vet. Scientific Conference .(2012;322-330).
  • 32- Direct antisperm antibody examination of infertile men. Global .JMR (USA), (3(1):37-41. 2012)
  • 33- Effect of in vitro activation by Glycyrrhiza glabra extract on cryostorage preserved
  • of local buck semen( accepted in Euphorate J Agriculture Sc.2012)
  • 34- Study the effect of seasonal months on buck semen using modified Tris solution for sperm motility following cryostorage(accepted in Euphorate J Agriculture Sc.2012)
  • 35- Effect of Phoenix dactylifera polen on in vitro sperm activation of infertile men.(Al-Mustansiriyah J. Science. 23 (5), 2012.
  • 36- Detection of sperm deformity by Kruger strict criteria pre-staining slides before and after postcoital test. Babylon University,30 (4):1152-1158 ,2012.
  • 37-In Vitro Sperm Preparation by Progesterone, Pentoxifylline and Glycyrrhiza Glabra for Asthenozoospermic Men. Global .JMR (USA), 3(1):1-6,2013.
  • 38-Effect of aqueous extract of Medicago sativa and Salvia officinalis mixture on hormonal ,ovarian and uterine parameters in mature female mice(j.Mater.Environ. ;4(4):424-433, 2013.
  • 39- Effect of Citrullus colocynthis medium on fertilization rate and early cleavage stages of mice embryos after assisted reproductive technology(Iraqi J. Embryos .Infertil .Research. 2 (4):40-45, 2012.
  • 40- Correlation between in vitro preparation technique ,endometrial thickness , hormonal profile and pregnancy rate with IUI outcome (Iraqi J. Embryos .Infertil .Research. 2 (4):9-14, 2012.
  • 41- Effect of cryopreservation on DNA normality of mice epididymal sperms following in vitro preparation with pentoxifylline , and Glycyrrhiza glabra(Iraqi J. Embryos .Infertil .Research. 3 (5):24-30, 2013.
  • 42-Malondialdehyde measurements in semen after in vitro sperm activation by pentoxifylline
  • and Glycyrrhiza glabra extract. International journal of Research in Pharm .Chemis, 3(4):828-833, 2013.
  • 43- DNA normality following in vitro sperm preparation with pentoxifylline and L-carnitine for asthenozoospermic infertile men . Global .JMR (USA), 13(4): 2014.
  • 44- Relationship between antiMüllerian ovarian hormone ,activin-A, and follistatin hormones levels with pregnancy rate following intrauterine insemination, (Iraqi J. Embryos .Infertil .Research. 3 (6):1-10, 2013
  • 45- In vitro sperm activation with pentoxifylline and L-carnitine for infertile men semen using layering and sedimentation preparation techniques. (Iraqi J. Embryos .Infertil .Research. 3 (6):26-31, 2013
  • 46-Gender selection by Ericsson method in intrauterine insemination for infertile couples . J. Medical Sciences,2014 .
  • 47- Mice embryonic development from cryopreserved epididymal sperm activated by pentoxifylline and L-carnitine : experimental model for human obstructive azoospermia.Iraqi J. Embryos .Infertil .Research. 4 (1):49-55, 2014
  • 48- Role of fibrillin -3 on fertilization capacity in pregnant and non-pregnant women. Iraqi J. Embryos .Infertil .Research. 4 (1):13-17, 2014
  • 49-Embryonic development following the insemination with epididymal sperms of vasectomized male mice activated in vitro by Glycyrrhiza glabra extract : model for obstructive azoospermia .Iraqi J. Embryos .Infertil .Research. 4 (1):43-48: 2014
  • 50- Effects of adding human follicular fluid and pentoxifylline on IUI outcome of asthenozoospermic patients. Global .JMR (USA), 13(4):13-18: 2014.
  • 51- The Association of HHEX gene polymorphism with the incidence of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)in Iraq .World J Pharmaceutical Research 3 (10): 287-298 2014.
  • 52- Study of calpain activity, sperm penetration assay in unexplained men in relevance to assisted reproductive technologies, World J Pharmaceutical Research ;4(2):100-110, 2015
  • 53-Impact of calpain activity assay in correlation to human sperm parameters in fertile and infertile men. Online International Interdisciplinary Research J: 5:20-30.2015.
  • 54 – Impact of the transcription factor -7-like2 (TCF7L2)gene polymorphisms on the risk of polycystic ovary syndrome in Iraqi patients. World J Pharmaceutical Research 4(2):1393-1404, 2015
  • 55- DNA normality after in vitro preparation with pentoxifylline and Glycyrrhiza glabra of cryopreserved human sperms. World J Pharmaceutical Research ; 4(4):1815-1828,2015.
  • 56-Effect of royal jelly on DNA integrity of epididymal sperms in vasectomized and non vasectomized mice World J Pharmaceutical Research 2015,4(6):2343-2351.
  • 57-Intra-uterine insemination outcome following the drilling of polycystic ovarian syndrome of infertile women .World J Pharmaceutical Research ;4(8):300-308, 2015
  • 58- Gender selection by intra-uterine insemination for infertile couples. World J Pharmaceutical Research 2015,4(8):
  • 59- Effect of Royal jelly on epididymal sperms characters in vasectomized mice. Online International Interdisciplinary Research J: 5(4):1-4,2015.
  • 60- Effect of Diabetes mellitus on certain sperm function parameters before and after in vitro preparation by Glycyrrhiza glabra. J Genetic Eng Proceeding of the 1st International Conference of Biology , Baghdad-Iraq 5-8 Oct.2015.
  • 61- Oocytes quality and embryonic development after oral administration of Ova Max® in female mice :experimental model for mammals World J Pharmaceutical Research 2015,4(11):
  • 62- Role of fibrillin-3 on fertilization capacity of infertile women in ICSI cycle. World J Pharmaceutical Research 2015,4(11):2039-20454
  • 63- The influence of Leukocytospermia and Teratozoospermia in IUI outcome. Online International Interdisciplinary Research J: 3(11):255-265,2015.
  • 64- Effect of density gradient technique on cryopreservated semen of asthenozoospermic men using pentoxifylline . World J Pharmaceutical Research 2016, 5(1):125-134 .
  • 65- Effect of female Fertility Blend® medium on oocyte quality and embryonic development following IVF . World J Pharmaceutical Research 2016,5(11):296-303.
  • 66- Mice epididymal sperms activated in vitro by male Fertility Blend® medium :model for mammals .World J Pharmaceutical Research 2016,5(11):280-286.
  • 67-. Effect of ovulation induction programs on the successful rate of gender selection technique of infertile couples .World J Pharmaceutical Research,2016 5(12):34-44.
  • 68- Role of Fibrillin-3 , Follistatin, and Activin A hormones on fertilization capacity of infertile women in IVF programs. Open access J. Gynecology, 2016,1(4):1-10.
  • 69-Oocyte quality and embryonic development after oral administration of Spermax® in female mice as experimental model for mammals .Iraqi Journal of Embryo and Infertility Researches,2014 ,4(2):6-12 (published and pressed in 2016).
  • 70- Effect of female Fertility Blend® medium on oocyte quality and embryonic development using assisted reproductive technology in mice . J. Biotechnology Research Center 2017,11(1):67-71.
  • 71-A comparison effect between Global sperm washing® medium and FertiCult sperm wash TM medium on certain sperm function parameters of asthenozoospermic men. J. Biotechnology Research Center 2017,11(2):30-34.
  • 72-Impact of in vitro preparation with Citrullus colocynthis on DNA normality of human asthenozoospermic semen Iraqi Journal of Embryo and Infertility Researches,2015 ,5:36-40 (published and pressed in 2017) .
  • 73-The effect of pregabalin (Lyrica) on the spermatogenic cells in rat Iraqi Journal of Embryo and Infertility Researches,2015 ,5:9-12 (published and pressed in 2017)
  • 74- Correlation between serum and follicular fluid activin and clinical pregnancy rates in subfertile women undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection. World J Pharmaceutical Research,2017,6(14):6-17
  • 75-Role of heparin binding epidermal growth factor in the serum and follicular fluid in prediction of pregnancy outcome of infertile women with and without PCOS. Saad S. Al-Dujaily, May Abdul-Kareem2 and Mohammad O Selman.Int J Advanced Res 2017 ,5(10):70-77.
  • 76. Effects of Levofloxacin on Male Reproductive System Parameters and Sperm DNA Normality in Rats. J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. 2018, 10(3),: 462-466.
  • 77-Effects of Ciprofloxacin on Male Fertility Parameters and Sperm DNA Integrity in Rats.Iraq JMS.2018, 15(4):378-384
  • 78- Effect of Fertility Blend® administration on the epididymal sperm function parameters of vasectomized mice: Physiological and genetical study as a model for obstructive azoospermic men Saad S. Al-Dujaily, Hazim E. Al-Ahmed, Jasem A. Al-Ethawi,Haidar A. Al-Ebrahimi. J. Biotechnology Research Center 2018,12(1):20-24.
  • 79- Role of leukemia inhibitory factor(LIF) gene variation on implantation rate following IVF program in PCOS and non PCOS women Iraqi J of Biotechnology 2018 17(2):33-38.
  • 80- Effect of Fertility Blend® administration on the epididymal sperm function parameters of vasectomized mice: Physiological and genetical study for obstructive azoospermic men. J Biotech Res. Center.2018,12(1):132-136.
  • 81-Effect of maca(Lepidium meyenii) aqueous extract on the epididymal sperms quality and the DNA normality of vasectomized mature mice: model for obstructive azoospermia in men. Journal of Biotechnology Research Center .2018, 12(2):73-81.
  • 82- Correlation of LIF and Glycodeline an in Prediction of Embryo Implantation of Infertile Women with and without PCOS. Journal of Global Pharma Technology.
  • 2018, 10 (11):222-231
  • 83- Effect of follicular activin A and granulocyte macrophage -colony stimulating factor on the prediction of pregnancy rate following intracytoplasmic sperm injection in women with PCOS. Nagham T.Shukry and Saad S. Al-Dujaily, Indian J. of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology .vol3 No.4 ,2019.
  • 84- Effect of Activin A ,Fibrillin-3,and Follistatin on oocytes quality and embryonic development following ICSI cycle .Saad S Al-Dujaily ,Rasha F Abas , Wim Decleer ,Bushra Al-Musawi, Abdul Razak Al-Nakash .The J. Global Pharm Technol 2019 Vol. 11 Issue 07 (Suppl.):68-78 .
  • 85- Role of progesterone associated protein gene variation on implantation rate following IVF program in PCOS and non-PCOS women. Saad S. Al-Dujaily, Zena F. Hussien, Ismail H. Aziz and Bushra J. Al-Musawi . Biochem. Cell. Arch.2019, 19(1): 827-833. DOI : 10.35124/bca.2019.19.1.827
  • 86- Role of serum activin A and granulocyte macrophage -colony stimulating factor in the prediction of pregnancy outcome in PCOS and non-PCOS women following ICSI Saad S. Al-Dujaily and Nagham T. Shukry Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 2019 10(11):.
  • 87-Gene expression and single nucleotide polymorphism of interleukin-6 in asthenozoospermic men: A case-control study in Iraqi patients" J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 11(5), 2019, 2074-2079
  • 88- Explore the correlation of CATSPER single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) and gene expression of asthenozoospermic infertile men" Biochemical cellular Archives, 2019 ,(19) :2051-2067.
  • 89-"In vitro cytotoxicity evaluation of novel combined plant crude aqueous extract of Licoroce and maca " Annals of Tropical Medicine & Public Health Nov. 2019, 22(8):S224. DOI :http://doi.org/ 10.36295/ ASRO.2019.22082
  • 90-Implication of Silver Nanoparticles to enhance the potential therapeutic activity of Doum Palm (Hyphaene Thebaica) extract for in vitro sperm activation of asthenozoospermic infertile men. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development vol13 No.4,2019 DOI Number: 10.5958/0973-9130.2019.00507.3
  • 91- Genetic Polymorphisms of PLCζ and PAWP Genes in Infertile Men that Undergo ICSI Protocol. Iraqi Journal of Biotechnology, October 2020, Vol. 19, No. 2, 46-54.
  • 92- Effect of novel licorice and maca combined plant crude aqueous extract on litter size and pups DNA normality in mice: experimental model for mammals. Plant Archives 20(2) :515-520,2020.
  • 93- ETHMAN HASHEM MOHAMMED1 , DR. AMOURA M.ABU-EL-NAGA2 , DR. SAAD SALIH AL-DUJAILY. Effect of Glycyrrhiza Glabra as Motility Stimulant on Sperm Function for Patients with Varicocele and Diabetes Before and After In-Vitro Preparation for ICSI . International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research ,2020 ,12(4):4846-4859.
  • 94- Saad S. Al-Dujaily, Abdul–Kareem Hameed, Dalia A. Al-Saray and Hazim Esmaeel Al-Ahmad (2021). Effect of fluoroquinolones treatment on certain sperm function parameters and sperm DNA denaturation in rats: Experimental model for men. Biochem. Cell. Arch. 21, 477-481. DocID: https://connectjournals.com/03896.2021.21.47792-
  • 95- Dhuha Salim Namaa, Ismail H. Aziz, Saad S. Al-Dujaily, Bushra J. Al- Musawi and Balsam Abdulhameed Al-Zahawi (2021) Role of human PLC zeta and PAWP genes expression in conception occurring in couples undergoing ICSI protocol. Biochem. Cell. Arch. 21, 763-768. Doc ID: https://connectjournals.com/03896.2021.21.763
  • 96-Al-Dujaily SS, Al-Obaidi ZF, Ali WQ, Wassef HF, Hussein RN (2021): In vitro sperm activation in asthenozoospermic men by using follicular fluid and maca powder, Annals of Tropical Medicine & Public Health; 24(S2): SP24218. DOI: http: //doi .org/ 10.36295/ ASRO.2021.2421898-
  • 97-Effects of propolis extract medium on in vitro sperms activation of infertile asthenozoospermic men. Annals of Romanian Society of Cell Biology 2021, 2(4):5050-5059.
  • 98- Anaam H. Shahed , Saad S. Al-Dujaily , and Mufeda A. AL-Amar (2021).Effect of Platelet Activating Factor Medium For in Vitro Sperm Activation of Asthenozoospermia Men on Intra Uterine Insemination Outcome. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, vol 32 no.3,11347-11352.
  • 99- Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 concentrations and expression of women with endometriosis undergoing IVF cycles. Materials Today: proceedings journal (accepted August 2021).
  • 100- Anaam H. Shahed , Mufeda A. AL-Amar , and Saad S. Al-Dujaily (2021).Study the effect of mixing platelet activating factor with sperm preparation medium of normozoospermic men on intra uterine insemination outcome . (Iraqi J. Embryos .Infertil .Research. accepted)
  • 101- Suhad Ali Mohe, Zeina F. H. AL–Obaidi , Saad S. Al-Dujaily, Bushra J. Al-Musawi ,Role of Cox1 and Cox2 Gene Expression on Pcos following ICSI cycle
  • International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology accepted 2022.
  • 102- Tamara B. Al-Qaisey, Saad S.Al-Dujaily, Amal A. Mohammed. Correlation between SHBG and pregnancy outcome in PCOS women undergoing ICSI,
  • Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils (NVEO) 2021 ,8(4): 1234-1241.
  • 103- Ghofran M. Khalial, Saad S. Al-Dujaily and Wasan A. Al-Jubory Prediction of oocyte quality through measurement of leukaemia inhibitory factor level in the serum and follicular fluid of PCOS women undergoing IVF/ICSI cycle in samples of Iraqi women.” Biochem. Cell. Arch. Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 2067-2070, 2022 . DocID: https://connectjournals.com/03896.2022.22.2067
  • 104- Abdulla RQ, Al-Dujaily SS, Al-Malki RSh (2022) Correlation between in vitro preparation techniques and asthenozoospermic semen with bacteriospermia on intra uterine insemination outcome NueroQuantology ( Q3 =0.29 accepted, 2022).
  • 105- Intesar F Naser,SaadS. AlDujaily, Lubna A. Al-Anbari 2022, Study the effect of piroxicam treatment for intrauterine insemination using density gradient for sperm preparation. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S4), 6885–6894. https://doi.org/10.53730/ijhs.v6nS4.10018.
  • 106- Fadhil L , Al-Dujaily SS , Abbas M 2022. Role of Activin A hormone, Betacellulin (BTC) growth factor, and Heparin binding epidermal growth factor on mice embryonic development after oral administration of Glycyrrhiza glabra. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S6), 7471–7479.
  • 107- Fadhil L , Abbas M, Al-Dujaily SS , 2022.Histological Changes in the Uterus and Implantation Status in Pregnant Mice after Oral Administration of Maca Powder. International Conference on Innovations in Science, Hybrid Materials and Vibration Analysis IC-ISHVA 2022, 16-17 July, 2022 https://ishva.rame.org.in/D22/.
  • 108- Qamar A Jasim, Aedah Z Al-Kaisy, Saad S Al-Dujaily,2022 Effect of Green laser on human sperm agglutination HIV Nursing J, 22(2): 3789-3792.
  • 109- Qamar A Jasim, Aedah Z Al-Kaisy, Saad S Al-Dujaily 2022, Effect of red laser on human sperm asthenozoospermia and abnormal agglutination group. The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine,89( ml): 7237-7241.
  • 110-Samawi, F. T., Al-Dujaily, S. S., AL-Saidi, M. K., Abdulfattah, S. . Y., & Saeed, Z. Z. (2023). Expression of Protamine-1 Gene and Association with Interleukin-12 gene in Infertile Men: A Case-Control Study in Iraqi Patients. Iraqi Journal of Science, 64(6), 2798–2808. https://doi.org/10.24996/ijs.2023.64.6.13.
  • 111 - Sarah N Jasim , Amoura M. Abou-El-Naga, Saad S Al-Dujaily. Study the Genetic Expression of Activin A and Fibrillin-3 in PCOS and Non-PCOS women. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2023; 16(10):4891-4896. DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00793.
  • 112. Sura B. Sharafaldeen, Amoura M. Abou-El-Naga, Saad S. Al-Dujaily, Ahmed Badawy. Compression of Genetic Expression of Progesterone and Prostaglandin E2 Between PCOS and Non-PCOS Women Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2023; 16(10):4781-4785. DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00775.
  • 113. Amjed T. Al-Rudaini * 1 , Saad S. Al-Dujaily 2 , Lina A. Salih .A comparative study of preimplantation embryos development of young and aged mice treated with L-carnitine Baghdad Science Journal (2023). Published Online First:November, 2023https://dx.doi.org/10.21123/bsj.2023.8923P-ISSN: 2078-8665 -E-ISSN: 2411-7986
  • 114-Alyaa S. Mohammed Ali , Saad S. Al-Dujaily , Wasan A. Al Jubori .Role of Resistin and Follistatin hormones on oocyte quality and embryonic development of PCOS in samples of Iraqi women undergoing IVF/ICSI program. Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition, 2023 vol19 ,issue 08 pp. 835-846.
  • 115-Alyaa S. Mohammed Ali , Saad S. Al-Dujaily , Wasan A. Al Jubori .Correlation between Resistin and Follistatin hormones with pregnancy outcome in samples of Iraqi women undergoing ICSI cycle. Journal of Embryos and Infertility Researches (IJEIR), (2023); 13 (1): 01-20 .
  • 116-Enaam J. Husain, Hayder M. Al- Dabbach , Saad S. AL-Dujaily ; Effect of non-ionizing radiation from mobile phones in different time periods exposure on DNA integrity of infertile men; Iraqi Journal of Embryos and Infertility Researches (IJEIR), (2023); 13 (1): 73-85.
  • 117-Correlation of progesterone and Activin A with pregnancy outcome following IVF/ICSI cycle. Noor S. Hamid 1 , Saad S. AL-Dujaily 1 , Wasan A. AL-Jubory Iraqi Journal of Embryos and Infertility Researches (IJEIR), (2023); 13 (2):26-38.
  • 118- Amjed T. Al-Rudaini, Lina A. Salih, Saad S. Al-Dujaily (2024).Effects of oral zinc supplementation on early embryonic development and neonates of aged female albino mice. Iraqi J. Science vol. 65 issue 4.
  • I-Supervisor of High Diploma, M. Sc and PhD Students =80 Since 2002 –till now.
  • A- High Diploma degree(Equivalent to M.Sc degree)
  • 1-Effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra on sperm activation in vitro of asthenospermic patients(Moamar Nori,2003)..
  • 2-Comparison of two methods to detect leukocytospermia in infertile patients.(Hadeel Ismaeel , 2004)
  • 3-Vital tests to explain infertility in Iraqi patients(Ibtesam Fadhil,2004).
  • 4-Evaluation of Post coital test at different preovulatory days for Intrauterine Insemination(Adeba Hussain,2005)
  • 5-Effect of D-pencillamine on Sperm Activation In Vitro(Hadeel Ghazi,2005).
  • 6-Effect of pentoxifylline(Trental) on sperm activation in vitro.(Rahema Salih,2005 ).
  • 7-Comparison between intra-uterine insemination and intra-cervical insemination using pentoxifylline for asthenospermic patients.(Sahar Al-Byati,2006)
  • 8-Immunological and morphological sperm diagnosis of infertile patients pre-post coital test(Sundus Al-Adtrakhchi,2007).
  • 9-The effect of aqueous extracts of Medicago Sativa and saliva officinalis on the reproductive parameters in mature mice(Ferial Khazal,2006) .
  • 10-Artificail insemination outcome after washing the cervix and uterus with pentoxifylline(Enaam Alani,2008)
  • 11- Correlation between intra-uterine insemination outcome and Kruger strict criteria using two staining methods to detect the sperm morphology in infertile men(Fadhil Arif,2009) .
  • 12- Use of In vitro activation of pentoxifylline ,progesterone and Glycyrrhiza glabra for women undergoing AIH.(Khetam Malik,2010)
  • 13-. Comparison of ovulation induction and hormonal profile between tamoxifen with dexamethasone ,clomiphene citrate with dexamethasone in infertile women under going intra uterine insemination(Eman Flayh,2010)
  • 14-Impact of Cryostorage Semen on Intrauterine Insemination Outcome(Ebtisam Al-Taee,2011)
  • 15- Correlation between in vitro preparation technique ,endometrial thickness , hormonal profile and pregnancy rate with IUI outcome(May AboRegheef,2012).
  • 16-Relationship between in vivo concentrations of activin A , follistatin and antimüllerian ovarian hormones with pregnancy rate following IUI (Nidhal Alwan,2013).
  • 17- Intra-uterine insemination by Ericsson method using albumin density gradients(Shighaf Al-Dahan,2013).
  • 18- Role of Fibrillin-3 hormone on pregnant and non pregnant women(Wafaa Mohamad,2014).
  • 19- Effect of adding human follicular fluid and other sperm motility stimulants on in vitro activation of asthenozoospermic patients (Sahar Swadi,2014).
  • 20- Modefied procedure for gender selection by Intra-uterine insemination for infertile couples (Wafaa Al-Jobori 2015).
  • 21-IUI outcome following drilling of ovarian cyst of infertile women (Samera abbas 2015).
  • 22- Comparison of IUI outcome between two culture media using in vitro Layering under paraffin technique ( Basma Yassen 2015).
  • 23- Role of Fibrillin-3 , Follistatin, and Activin A hormones on fertilization capacity of infertile women in IVF programs (Rasha Fadhil,2016)
  • 24- Effect of ovulation induction programs on the successful rate of gender selection technique of infertile couples(Sawsan Al-barazanchi,2016).
  • 25- Study the effect of Piroxicam on IUI outcome after using two in vitro sperm activation methods(Entisar ,2020).
  • 21-26- Effects of resistin and follistatin levels on oocyte quality and embryonic development of PCO and non-PCO in samples of Iraqi women undergo IVF/ ICSI program (Alyaa Sajed,2022).
  • 22-Correlation between activin A hormone and Connexin 43 gene expression to predict oocyte maturation and pregnancy status of women undergoing ICSI Program (Nisreen Jasim ,2024)
  • B- Supervisor of M.Sc student :
  • 1- Effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra on goat sperm activation in vitro following several days of ejaculation.(Sulaik Fadil,2006)
  • 2-The effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra extract on in vitro sperm activation and embryonic development following intra-peritoneal insemination in mice(Zina Mizher,2009)
  • 3- Effect of oviductal flushing medium on in vitro oocyte maturation and Embryonic development using Assisted Reproductive Technology in mice.(Ilaf Hassan,2010)
  • 4- In vitro and in vivo study on the effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra on certain sperm parameters of vasectomized rat (mariwan Ezzat- College of Vet. Med /Sulaimania University,2008)
  • 5-A Study of some physiological aspects following oral administration of Citrullus colocynthis in mature male rabbits . (Salam Hagi College of Vet. Med /Sulaimania University,2008)
  • 6-Effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra on the IVF outcome in mice.(Alaa Shalan Alsaadi,2008)
  • 7-Effect of certain additives to Tris solution for maintenance of human semen during cryostorage.(Rasha Nori Al-Shimary,2008)
  • 8- Effect of Pentoxifylline, L-Carnitine and ovulation induction program on oocyte quality and embryonic development using assisted reproductive technology in mice(Abdul-fatah khadim,2012)
  • 9- Effect of Citrullus colocynthis medium on fertilization rate and early cleavage stages of mice embryos after assisted reproductive technology (Nabaa Afeef,2012)
  • 10- Effect of cryopreservation on DNA normality of mice epididymal sperms following in vitro preparation with pentoxifylline , and Glycyrrhiza glabra (Muhanad Sachid,2012).
  • 11- Mice Embryonic development in vitro by pentoxifylline and L-carnitine after cryopreservation of epididymal sperms : Experimental model for mammals.(Noor Mohammad ,2013)
  • 12- In vitro Embryonic development following the insemination with epididymal sperms
  • of vasectomized male mice activated in vitro by licorice extract( Swosan Sahib,2013)
  • 13- Oocytes quality and embryonic development after oral administration of Spermax® in female mice: Experimental model for mammals.(Hiba Sahib 2013).
  • 14- Impact of in vitro preparation with Citrullus colocynthis on DNA normality of human asthenozoospermic semen (Hind Akram 2013- )
  • 15- DNA normality after in vitro preparation with pentoxifylline and Glycyrrhiza glabra of cryopreserved human sperms .(Safaa Miran 2013)
  • 16- The effect of pregabalin(Lyrica, anti-epileptic drug) on male reproduction and possible role in male mediated teratogenicity(Ahmad Muhsin2013)
  • 17-The Influence of Leukocytospermia and Teratozoospermia In IUI outcome (Sara Nidhal,2015)
  • 18-Effect of density gradient technique on cryopreserved semen of infertile men using motility stimulants (Sura Badeeh,2015)
  • 19-Effect of Diabetes mellitus on certain sperm function parameters before and after in vitro preparation using the Glycyrrhiza glabra as motility stimulant. (Uthman Hashim,2015)
  • 20-Oocytes quality and embryonic development after oral administration of Ova Max® in female mice :experimental model for mammals (Ali imtasher,2015)
  • 21- Effect of female Fertility Blend® medium on oocyte quality and embryonic development following IVF .(Alla Esmaiel,2016).
  • 22- Embryonic development following in vitro fertilization with mice epididymal sperms activated in vitro by men Fertility Blend® medium :model for mammals (Sara Radhi ,2016).
  • 23-Correlation between prostaglandin and Activin A hormone with successful implantation in PCOS women following ICSI program(Suhad Ali, 2019).
  • 24- Relationship of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin and Adiponectin with Body Mass Index in Infertile Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome undergo ICSI.(Tamaraa,2020)
  • 25- Evaluation of exogenous platelet activating factor for sperm activation on intra uterine insemination outcome (Anaam ,2020 ).
  • 26- Prediction of oocyte quality through measurement of activin A hormone and LIF for PCOS and non-PCOS women undergo ICSI cycle in sample of Iraqi women (Ghufran,2020).
  • 27-Correlation Between In Vitro Preparation Technique(s) And Bacteriospermia On Intra Uterine Insemination Outcome In Samples Of Iraqi Patients (Reem Qahtan,2021).
  • 28-Correlation Between In Vitro Preparation Technique(s) And Bacteriospermia On Intra Uterine Insemination Outcome In Samples Of Iraqi Patients (Qamar Adnan Al-Tememee, Medical College, Baghdad University, 2021)
  • 29-The value of growth hormone and amphiregulin growth factor on the improvement of implantation rate in women with poor ovarian response following intracytoplasmic sperm insertion program (Zena Abbas mohammed ,2021- Egypt, al-Mansora University).
  • 30- The value of testing serum progesterone and activin A six days after embryo transfer in prediction of pregnancy in IVF/ICSI cycles. (Noor Salam 2022)
  • 31-Effect of non- ionizing EMWs pollution on Iraqi fertility capacity and semen parameters: acohort study(Anaam Jaffer , 2022).
  • 32- Role of Density gradient technique and Glycyrrhiza glabra medium mixed with autologous platelet rich plasma on sperm DNA fragmentation index of infertile men(Noor Kadhim 2023).
  • 33- Effect of removing fragmented developed blastomeres on embryo quality in IVF/ICSI cycles (Kawa Aadil ,2023)
  • 34- Correlation between sperm CatSper channel and production of 8-hydroxy-2deoxyguanasine in infertile (Anas M Al-Jubori, American University, Lebanon 2023).
  • 35-35- Three versus two density gradient methods for sperm preparation of infertile men using maca extract medium with DNA fragmentation index study.(Maryam Ismaeel,2024)
  • C- Supervisor of PhD student
  • 1 - Effect of pollution with cadmium and lead on some aspects of reproductive system in mice(PhD).College of Science(Abdul Fatah-Al-Tememi,2010)
  • 2-Sperm DNA integrity after activation in vitro by pentoxifylline and Glycyrrhiza glabra extract with Cytogenetic analysis of infertile Men .College of Medicine(Shaymaa Lasim,2012)
  • 3- Effect of L-Carnitine and some medical plants on in vitro sperm activation of infertile men. College of Ebin –Alhaytham(Areeg Abbas,2011)
  • 4- in vitro activation for asthenozoospermic semen using L-carnitine and pentoxifylline with cytogenetic study College of Science, Kufa University(Naoras Nori,2013).
  • 5- High Institute of Genetic Engineering/ Baghdad-University(Mohamad Talib, 2012.
  • 6- Effect of Calipain on male fertility (PhD).College of Science-Baghdad-University (Hyder Mosa,2014)
  • 7- Effect of Royal Jelly on Epididymal Sperms Characters in Vasectomized Mice .College of Science/Baghdad-University(Majeed Hameed,2015).
  • 8- Effect of Levofloxacin , Ciprofloxacin and Rifampicin Administration on Male Reproductive System Parameters and Sperm DNA Normality in Rat .College of Medicine-Al-Nahrain University (Dalyia abdul-Zahra,2016)
  • 9- Effect of in vivo concentrations of activin A , follistatin and antimüllerian ovarian hormones in the serum and follicular fluid with heparin binding epidermal growth factor on the pregnancy of PCOS women following ICSI .IVF Institute ,Al-Nahrain University (May Abo-Regheef,2016)
  • 10- IVF Institute ,Al-Nahrain University (Nagham Shukri,2017)
  • 11-College of Science, Baghdad-University (Farah Thamer,2017)
  • 12- High Institute of Genetic Engineering/ Baghdad-University (Zena Fauzi,2017)
  • 13- College of Science for Girls, Baghdad-University(Eveen ,2018)
  • 14 High Institute of Genetic Engineering/ Baghdad-University (Duha Al-Azawi,2019).
  • 15- Sperm function for patients with varicocele and diabetes before and after in vitro preparation for ICSI. College of Science-Almansoora University/Egypy(Othman Hashim 2019)
  • 16-Correlation between progesterone hormone , prostaglandin and amphiregulin growth factor with successful pregnancy of infertile women following ICSI program. College of Science-Almansoora University/Egypy(Sura Badeeah,2020)
  • 17-Role of Activin A ,fibrillin-3 hormones and Betacellulin (BTC) growth Factor on implantation rate in PCOS and non-PCOS women undergo ICSI .College of Science-Almansoora University/Egypy(Sara Nidhal,2020).
  • 18- Role of some implantation factors on the embryonic development and implantation status after oral administration of Glycyrrhiza glabra crude powder and Lepidium meyenii (Maca) in mice: experimental model for mammals. College of Science-Baghdad University
  • 19- Role of Zn and L-carnitine supplementation on in vivo oocytes maturation and early embryonic development with gene expression in aged mice: model for mammals. College of Science-Baghdad University
خبرات التدريس
  • 1- Advanced Physiology.
  • 2- Andrology.
  • 3- Advanced Endocrinology.
  • 4- Advanced Biochemistry
  • 5- Reproductive Physiology.
  • 6-Fetal and pregnancy Physiology.
  • 7-Advanced Hematology
  • 8- Assisted Reproductive Technologies.
  • 9- Advanced Reproductive Biotechnology. PhD
  • 10- Advanced Embryology. M.Sc ,PhD
  • 11-Reproductive micromanipulation .
  • 12-Cytogenetic.
  • 13-Applied Reproductive Physiology-PhD
  • 14-Assisted Reproduction-PhD
  • 15-Advanced andrology-PhD
  • 16-The Physiology-Undergraduate –Essool –Al-Deen University
  • 17-Embryology for PhD Postgraduate student of College of Science for Girls.
  • 18- Assisted Reproduction-PhD Postgraduate student of College of Science
الجوائز وكتب الشكر
  • -Comparison of Two Methods For Assessment of Seminal Oxidative Stress in Infertile Men. Iraqi Fertility Society 2nd Annual Meeting, Baghdad-Iraq, March 8-10,2002.
  • -Out come of artificial insemination following pentoxifylline deposition on the cervix and
  • Uterus. Iraqi Fertility Society 3rd Annual Meeting, Baghdad-Iraq, Feb.,25.2010.
  • -Correlation between intra-uterine insemination outcome and Kruger strict criteria using
  • two staining methods to detect the sperm morphology of infertile men.1st Scientific
  • Conference of IVF Institute of Embryo Research and Infertility Treatment,.12- 13Jan2011.
  • - Professor the First in Al-Nahrain University of 2012-2013. Award in Al-Hakeem Hall of Baghdad-University by The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Baghdad-Ir\aq. 2May 2013.
  • - For two times ,The Biotechnology Research Center obtain First rank out of the 31 Research center in Iraq at the annual festival of “Day of Science” that held by Ministry of Higher Education in years 2015 and 2016
  • - Professor the first in Al-Nahrain University 2019 Award in Hall of Al-Nahrain , University at the scientific day of the University Baghdad-Iraq. 2May 2019.
  • -Acknowledgments:110
  • 1-Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research (1) 2013
  • 2-Vice Minister Higher Education and Scientific Research(1)2016
  • 3- Minister of Al-Shuhadaa Foundation (1)2012
  • 4- President of Al-Nahrain University (15)
  • 5-.President of Babylon University (2)
  • 6-Vice President of Al-Nahrain University (2)2016,2017
  • 7- Dean , IVF Institute of Infertility Diagnosis and ART at Al-Nahrain University (45)
  • 8- Dean , College of Medicine ,Babylon University (1).2002
  • 9-Al-Anbar Republic Health Department(1)
  • 10-Ministry of Agriculture(1)
  • 11- College o f Vet Medicine Al-Basrah (1)2016
  • 12 -Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine-Baghdad-University(4).
  • 13- Dean, College of Science-Baghdad-University(1)2013.
  • 14- Dean, College of Science-Al-Kufa-University(4)2014,2016,2017
  • 15- Dean , IVF Institute of Infertility Diagnosis and ART at Al-Nahrain University(6).
  • 16-Dean, High institute of Genetic Engineering, Baghdad-University(1)2014.
  • 17- Dean, College of Science-Babylon-University(1)2014
  • 18- Dean, College of Science-Babylon-University(2)2015.
  • 19- Dean, College of Science F -Baghdad-University(1)2016
  • 20- Director of Center of Biotechnology Research (1).2014,2008
  • 21- President of Iraqi Fertility Society(1)2013.
  • 22-Dean , Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology-Baghdad-University,2017
  • 23-Dean, College of Science Abn-AlHaytham –Baghdad-University ,2017
  • 24-Dean, College of Vet .Medicine ,Al-Musal University 2017.
  • 25- Dean, College of Medicine-Babylon-University(1)2018
  • 26- Dean, College of Science-Babylon-University(1)2018.
  • 27- Dean , Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology-Baghdad-University,2020
  • 28-Dean , College of Biotechnology, Al-Nahrain University, 2020.
  • 29- Dean, College of Science For girls -Baghdad-University 2021.
المنح و التمويل الخارجي
  • منحة الاميرة موزة من قطر 2004 للتعليم العالي
قيادة خدمات
  • 1-Lecturer at IUI course about sperm activation techniques in vitro and Intra-Peritoneal and Intra-Follicular Insemination in human, IVF Institute ,in 28.3.2000.
  • 2- Lecturer for training the researcher staff of agriculture Department of The Nuclear Energy Organization, in 1.8.2000.
  • 3- Lecturer at IUI course about sperm activation techniques in vitro for Assisted
  • Reproductive techniques, IVF Institute ,in March 4-6..2002.
  • 4--Organizer of Male infertility workshop(course) that held at the IVF Institute through 4-7,September 2005.
  • 5-Lecturer at IUI course about sperm activation techniques in vitro for Assisted
  • Reproductive techniques, IVF Institute ,in Nov. 4-8..2005.
  • -
  • - 6 -Lecturer at training about In vitro preparation techniques for TESA and TESE at workshop(course) that held at the IVF Institute through 7-11,Jan., 2006.
  • 7-Organizer of ICSI workshop(course) that held at the Center of Biotechnology –Al-Nahrain University through Jan , 2008.
  • 8- Lecturer at IUI course about sperm activation techniques in vitro for Assisted
  • Reproductive techniques, IVF Institute , March. 4-7.2009.
  • 9- Organizer of Assisted reproductive technologies course that held at the IVF Institute through 12-14,May 2009.
  • 10-Lecturer at Assisted reproductive technologies course that held at the IVF Institute through 22-25,Nov., 2009.
  • 11- Lecturer of ICSI for two days ( Feb.,22-23.2010)theoretically and practically in the course of FAO in "Embryo transfer in the cattle" that held at the Center of Biotechnology –Al-Nahrain University through Feb.,14 till March 2,2010.
  • 12- Supervisor and Organizer of New Technologies in Infertility Treatment course that held at the IVF Institute through 28/3 -1/4,2010.
  • 13-Supervisor and Organizer of ICSI work shop that held at the IVF Institute through May 4-6 ,2010.
  • 14- Lecturer at Assisted reproductive technologies course that held at the IVF Institute through 22-25,May., 2011.
  • 15- Supervisor and Organizer of New Criteria in IUI of Iraqi infertile patients course that held at the IVF Institute through 8-10/5,2012.
  • 16- Supervisor and Organizer of New aspects in semen analysis course that held at the IVF Institute through 23-24/5,2012.
  • 17- Supervisor and Organizer of New aspects in semen analysis course that held at the IVF Institute through 14 and18/11,2012.
  • 18-Supervisor and Organizer of New Criteria in IUI of Iraqi infertile patients course that held at the IVF Institute through 9-11/4,2013.
  • 19-Supervisor and Organizer of ICSI work shop that held at the IVF Institute through May 6-8 ,2013.
  • 20- Supervisor and Organizer of Semen analysis in WHO 1999 and 2010 course that held at the IVF Institute through 8-9/1,2014.
  • 21 -Supervisor and Organizer of “ IUI and in vitro sperm activation with cryopreservation” course that held at the IVF Institute through 15-17/4,2014.
  • 22-Supervisor and Organizer of ICSI work shop that held at the IVF Institute through May 13-15 ,2014.
  • 23- Supervisor and Organizer of “ Testicular biopsy and sperm cryopreservation cryopreservation” course that held at the IVF Institute through 11-12/6,2014.
  • 24- Organizer of Semen analysis in WHO 1999 and 2010 course that held at the College of Medicine-Wasit University 24/12/2014.
  • 25- Supervisor and Organizer of Semen analysis in WHO 1999 and 2010 course that held at the IVF Institute through 8-9/1,2015.
  • 26- Organizer of Semen analysis in WHO 1999 and 2010 course that held at the Sumer University –ThiQar 4-5/3/2015.
  • 27- Supervisor and Organizer of “ IUI and in vitro sperm activation with cryopreservation” course that held at the IVF Institute through 10-12/3,2015.
  • 28- Organizer of Assisted Reproductive Technologies course that held at the Al-Qasim University –Al-Qasim/Babylon 12/5/2015.
  • 29- Supervisor and Organizer of Semen analysis in WHO 1999 and 2010 course that held at the Biotechnology Research Center through 23-24/11,2016.
  • 30- Supervisor and Organizer of ICSI work shop that held at the Biotechnology Research Center through March 13-15 ,2017.
  • 31- Supervisor and Organizer of Semen analysis in WHO 1999 and 2010 course that held at the Biotechnology Research Center through 20-21/11,2017.
  • 32- Supervisor and Organizer of In vitro sperm activation techniques for ART course that held at the Biotechnology Research Center through 4-5/11,2018.
  • 33-Webinar workshop in 29.5.2020 What is new in sperm function tests and male infertility cooperation between Iraqi fertility Society and Al-Nahrain University
  • 34- Webinar workshop in 9.7.2020 ;The correlation between laboratory assessments and male infertility treatment cooperation between Al-Iraqia University and Al-Nahrain University.
  • 35- Webinar workshop in 25.7.2020 “Does the birth of Lewis Brown start IVF history” cooperation between Iraqi fertility Society and Al-Nahrain University and
  • 36- Supervisor and Organizer of Assessment of Semen analysis as recommended by WHO course that held at the IVF Institute through 7-8/7,2021.
  • 37- Supervisor and Organizer of “ In vitro sperm preparation and activation for IUI and other IVF programs” course that held at the IVF Institute through 26-27/7,2021.
  • -Scientific Activities:
  • -Editor in Chief of Al-Amal Publication 2008-2010
  • -Consultant Member in J .Iraq. Vet. Med, Baghdad University , Baghdad Iraq 2010
  • -Editor in Chief of Iraqi J . Embryos and Infertility Researches, Al-Nahrain University , Baghdad -Iraq -2010
  • - Consultant Member in J .Biotechnology ,Al-Nahrain University , Baghdad -Iraq,2011.
  • - Consultant Member in J. High Institute for Genetic Engineering , Al-Baghdad University , Baghdad -Iraq 2013.
  • - Editor in Chief in J .Biotechnology Research Center ,Al-Nahrain University , Baghdad -Iraq,2015-2019.
  • - Consultant Member in J .Biotechnology ,Al-Nahrain University , Baghdad -Iraq,2020-2021.
الجمعيات المهنية
  • - Iraqi Fertility Society
  • - Middle East Fertility Society
  • - European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE)
  • - Iraqi Innovation and Invention Society
المؤتمرات والندوات والورش
  • Conferences
  • 1-Effect of Parsley Feeding on Certain Serum Enzymes of Rabbits. The 13th.The Scientific Conference of Arab Veterinary, Baghdad, Nov.14-17, 1993.
  • 2-The Effect of epididymal Concentration on Fertilization and Embryonic Development Following Intra-Bursal Sperm Transfer in Pseudopregnant Mice: Experimental Model for Vasal Obstruction in Men .The 9th Scientific Conference, College of Medicine, Baghdad University, May 7-9,1996.
  • 3-Studies on The Development of Mice Embryos of Early Cleavage Stages Following Intra- Bursal Insemination .The Scientific conference of Iraqi Biological Society ,Kufa, March 11-13,1997.
  • 4-In Vitro Epididymal Sperms Activation and Intra-Bursal Insemination In Mice: Model for Human Vasal Obstruction.The 3rd Asian Symposium on Animal Biotechnology(ASAB),Seoul-Korea,Dec.11-14,1997.
  • 5- In vitro epididymal sperm activation and intra-peritoneal insemination experimental model for vasal obstructive in mice .4th Asian Symposium on Animal Biotechnology, (ASAB), Kamiina-Japan Oct.7-9, 1998.
  • 6-In Vitro Activation of Epididymal Spermatozoa After Eight Weeks of Vasectomy in Mice .The 4th(ASAB), Kamiina-Japan, Oct.7-9, 1998.
  • 7-Reproductive Hormones Concentrations and Sperm Function Tests in Infertile Iraqi Patients.The 4th (ASAB), Kamiina-Japan, Oct.7-9, 1998.
  • 8-Middle East Fertility Society (MEFS) 5th Annual meeting, Amman-Jordan, Nov.18-20, 1998.
  • 9-Effect of in Vitro Activation of Epididymal and Vas deference Sperm Function Tests in Mice: Experimental Model for Obstructive Azoospermia .Middle East Fertility Society (MEFS) 6th Annual Meeting, Sharm El-Sheik-Egypt, Nov.24-26, 1999.
  • 10-The Effect of Prednisolone Treatment On sperm Agglutination In Infertile Patients ,(MEFS)6th Annual Meeting ,Sharm El-Sheik-Egypt,Nov.24-26,1999.
  • 11-Iraqi Fertility Society 1st Annual Meeting, Baghdad-Iraq, April 4-6,2000.
  • 12-An Accurate and Reliable Method for the Diagnosis of Seminal Oxidative Stress in Infertile Men.The57th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine(ASRM) ,Orlando, Florida ,USA ,October 20-25,2001.
  • 13-Comparison of Two Methods For Assessment of Seminal Oxidative Stress in Infertile Men. Iraqi Fertility Society 2nd Annual Meeting, Baghdad-Iraq, March 8-10,2002.
  • 14-Middle East fertility Society (MEFs) 9th annual Scientific Congress Cairo-Egypt Oct.30-Nov.2,2002.
  • 15-Some vital tests to explain male infertility of Iraqi patients ,Middle East fertility Society (MEFs) 11th annual Scientific Congress Dead sea-Jordan Dec.1-4,2004.
  • 16-Oviductal flushing medium support in vitro fertilization of mice ova, Middle East fertility Society (MEFs) 11th annual Scientific Congress Dead sea-Jordan Dec.1-4,2004.
  • 17-Effect of in vitro activation technique on different grades of varicocele in infertile men. Middle East fertility Society (MEFs) 9th annual Scientific Congress Cairo-Luxor, Nov. 23 - 26, 2005.
  • 18- Evaluation of Post coital test at different preovulatory days for Intrauterine Insemination Middle East fertility Society (MEFs) 9th annual Scientific Congress Cairo-Luxor, Nov. 23 - 26, 2005. .
  • 19- Effect of pentoxifylline on the outcome of IUI and ICI of infertile patients. Middle East fertility Society (MEFs) 10th annual Scientific Congress Jordan -Alaqba, Oct. 15 - 17, 2006 .
  • 20- Oviductal flushing medium support in vitro fertilization of mice ova: A biochemical and hormonal study. Middle East fertility Society (MEFs) 10th annual Scientific Congress Jordan -Alaqba, Oct. 15 - 17, 2006 .
  • 21-Effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra on IVF outcome in mice. Proceeding of 1st Conference of Biotechnology Center, 24-26Dec.2008.
  • 22- Effect of modified Tris solution with Glycyrrhiza glabra on cryostorage of infertile semen several days after ejaculation. Proceeding of 4thConference of Karbala University
  • 26-28.March 2008.
  • 23- Impact of reproductive hormones on certain sperm function: characters of Infertile patients. Medical College –Tikrit University,May 3-4,2009
  • 24- Effect of D-penicillamine on Sperm Activation In Vitro. Babylon University Conference 28-29April ,2009.
  • 25. Detection of Sperm deformity by Kruger strict criteria using pre-staining slides before and after post coital test .7th Conference of College of Medicine –Al-Nahrain University Nov.26-27 2008.
  • 26- Artificial insemination outcome following washing the cervix and uterus with pentoxifylline . Middle East fertility Society (MEFs) 14th annual Scientific Congress Egypt -Cairo, Nov. 4 -7, 2009 .
  • 27- Artificial insemination outcome following washing the cervix and uterus with pentoxifylline ,Iraqi Fertility Society 4th Annual Meeting, Baghdad-Iraq, Feb 25,2010.
  • 28-Urology Society 3th annual meeting, Baghdad-Iraq, July 23, 2010
  • 29- International Federal Fertility and Sterility Congress, Munich-Germany, September 12-16, 2010
  • 30- Correlation between intra-uterine insemination outcome and Kruger strict criteria using two staining methods to detect the sperm morphology of infertile men.Middle East fertility Society (MEFs) 15th annual Scientific Congress Syria -Damascus, Oct. 6 -9, 2010 .
  • 31-Serono Company Symposium . Baghdad-Iraq 8.11.2010
  • 32-Ministry of Health ,Cancer Council Treatment services for Cancer patients in 21 Century . Baghdad-Iraq ,1-2Dec. 2010 .
  • 33- Effect of Citrullus colocynthis on some physiological aspects of female reproductive system in mice as a model for mammals .2nd Conference of Biotechnology Res. Center. 12.12.2010.
  • 34- Correlation between intra-uterine insemination outcome and Kruger strict criteria using two staining methods to detect the sperm morphology of infertile men.1st Scientific
  • Conference of IVF InstituteBaghdad-Iraq,.12-13Jan2011
  • 35- Correlation between intra-uterine insemination outcome and Kruger strict criteria using two staining methods to detect the sperm morphology of infertile men. Iraqi fertility society,Istanbul-Turkey,May2-6,2011.
  • 36-PGD,Balsomere biopsy, Iraqi Fertility Society, Baghdad-Iraq 30-5-2011.
  • 37-Biology Department ,College of Science-1st Scientific Conference March 6,2012.
  • 38- Iraqi Fertility Society with Organon Company ,Symposium-Baghdad March,9.2012
  • 39- Histopathological study : the effect of Citrullus colocynthis on the heart and liver of mature male rabbits: as a model for mammals Scientific Conference of Vet. Med College April.2012
  • 40-European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology(ESHRE). Istanbul-Turkey July1-4.2012.
  • 41-Impact of semen cryostorage on IUI outcome. Oral presentation in Middle East fertility Society (MEFs) 19th annual Scientific Congress Dubai -UAE, Oct. 3 -5, 2012 .
  • 42- Gender selection by Ericsson method following intrauterine insemination for infertile couples . Oral presentation 9th Scientific Conference of Med. College 5-6 May 2013.
  • 43-Kamal Al-Samarai 2nd Conference Sheraton ,Baghdad-Iraq, 27June 2013.
  • 44- Iraqi Fertility Society with Organon Company ,Symposium-Baghdad May,19.2013
  • 44-International Scientific Conference of Al-Kindy College of Medicine-Baghdad-University ,Baghdad-Iraq 30-31th Oct.2013.
  • 45-Chairman the first session of the First International Scientific Conference of Biotechnology-Al-Nahrain University ,Baghdad-Iraq 30-31th Oct.2013.
  • 46- Chairman the 21 session of the Middle East fertility Society (MEFs) , 20th annual Scientific Congress Dead Sea , Amman -Jordan, Nov. 6 -8 Nov.2013.
  • 47- European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology(ESHRE).Munich-Germany29/6-2/7/2014.
  • 48- Chairman the 21 session Middle East fertility Society (MEFs) , 21th annual Scientific Congress , Abo-Dhabi -UAE, Sep. 25 -27 .2014.
  • 49-High Institute for Genetic Engineering for Postgraduate studies Baghdad-Iraq Oct.2014.
  • 50-DNA Unit –Al-Nahrain University Conference , Baghdad-Iraq,Nov.2014.
  • 51- Role of fibrillin -3 on fertilization capacity in pregnant and non-pregnant women. Annual meeting of Medical City Baghdad-Iraq 17-18.Dec 2014.
  • 52- DNA Unit –Al-Nahrain University scientific meeting, Baghdad-Iraq, March 16.2015
  • 53-College of Medicine-Almustanciryia University ,April,9-10/2015.
  • 54- Effect of Diabetes mellitus on certain sperm function parameters before and after in vitro preparation by Glycyrrhiza glabra. 1st International conference of Biology , Baghdad-Iraq 5-8 Oct.2015.
  • 55- College of Technology, Institutes of Technologies, 16-17March 2016
  • 56- Forensic Conference by Forensic DNA Center , Al-Nahrain University Baghdad-Iraq,22 September 2016 chairman the second session .
  • 57- Effect of ovulation induction programs on the successful rate of gender selection technique of infertile couples 23th annual Scientific Congress of MEFS,Sharm -Elshiek, Egypt, Nov 3-5 2016.
  • 58-Ministry of Health-Alresafa 27-28 Dec.2016 Baghdad-Iraq.
  • 59- Forensic Conference by Forensic DNA Center , Al-Nahrain University Baghdad-Iraq,12 Dec 2017 chairman first day session .
  • 60- Role of heparin binding epidermal growth factor in the serum and follicular fluid in prediction of pregnancy outcome of infertile women with and without PCOS. 25th annual Scientific Congress of MEFS, Beirut -Lebanon, Nov 1-3 2018.
  • 61- Forensic Conference by Forensic DNA Center , Al-Nahrain University Baghdad-Iraq,6 Dec 2018 chairman first day session .
  • 62- Chairman , 2nd international scientific Conference of Biotechnology Research Center held in the Hall of Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad-Iraq , 3-4April 2019.
  • 63- Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology for Postgraduate students held at Al-Hakeem Hall-Baghdad-University , Baghdad-Iraq ,28-29 April 2019.
  • 64-International virtual conference of Forensic DNA Center , Al-Nahrain University Baghdad-Iraq,9-10 August 2020 , Chairman ,scientific Committee and Workshop of Methods of diagnosing Viruses .
  • 65- Middle East fertility Society (MEFs) virtual Conference 2020 4-5 Dec,2020.
  • 66- Effects of propolis extract medium on in vitro sperms activation of infertile asthenozoospermic men. International Eurasian Conference in Biotechnology and Biochemistry Ankara-Turkey,16-18 Dec,2020.
  • 67-Al-Nahrain Nanorenewal Energy Research Center, 1st International Conference August 2020.
  • 68-DNA Center for Research and Training 4th international conference , July 2020.
  • 69- Al-Nahrain Nanorenewal energy Research Center, 2nd International Conference ( Waste Treatment Role in Supporting Sustainable Energy Projects and Increasing National Income )) held in 11-12 July 2021.
  • 70-Chair and lecture Presentation in Iraqi Fertility Society 7th Conference that held in Baghdad 29-30 Oct.2021
  • 70- DNA Center for Research and Training 4th international conference , 10-11May, 2022 Chairman of the scientific committee and Chair the first session.
  • 71-Fist scientific conference of the scientific Society of infertility treatment technologies, 24-25 march 2022 . Presentation and Chair.
  • 72-International congress for innovations in Wasit –Iraq 23-24 March 2022.
  • 73- Chairman of the scientific committee and Chair the first session of High post graduate student scientific conference in IVF Institute at 9 feb.2022.
  • 74- Chairman and speaker in Iraqi Fertility Society 8th Conference that held in Baghdad 3-4 Nov .2022.
  • 75- Chair and Speaker in Iraqi Fertility Society 9th Conference that held in Baghdad 26-27Oct .2023.
  • 76- Speaker and Chair in Middle East fertility Society (MEFs) Conference that held in Istanbul –Turkey 2-4 Nov,2023.
  • 77- Poster presentation of innovation at 5th Conference of international Conference for innovation and invention that held in Al- Nahrain University , Baghdad through the period from 13-14 Dec,2023.
  • 78- First International Conference of International British -Iraqi IVF Center that held in Babylon Hotel at 2 Feb,2024.
  • 79- Poster presentation of innovation at the First International Scientific Conference of Uruk University That held in Baghdad from 6-7 March 2024 .
  • 80-Speaker in international Consensus of infertility Treatment Technologies that held in
  • Al-Mansoor Melia Hotel , Baghdad at 8 March 2024.
  • 81- Chair and Speaker in Iraqi Fertility Society 10th Conference that held in Baghdad June 27-28 2024.
  • Innovation =3
  • 1-Effect of using Glycyrrhiza glabra extract on in vitro sperm activation.
  • No. 4910 in 19.4.2017
  • 2-Prediction of polycystic ovary syndrome in Iraqi women through polymorphism genes (HHX ,TCF7L2)and INSR that responsible of insulin secretion No.5435 in 25/7/2018.
  • 3-Increase in the percentage of sperm DNA normality by usage of Glycyrrhiza glabra extract and pentoxifylline medium for thawing and activation of
  • No.6965 in 1.12.2021 cryopreserved sperms
1936 الزيارات - اخر تحديث لهذه الصفحة في: 2024-09-15 09:31:17
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لجامعة النهرين ©2025
تصميم وبرمجة د. رسول هشام السعدي - مركز الحاسبة الالكترونية
بريد الدعم الفني: cv@nahrainuniv.edu.iq
عدد الزيارات: 6891
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